My dad has several properties in mainland China as well as Hong Kong

My dad has several properties in mainland China as well as Hong Kong.

But he refuses to sell them even though he's in his late 60's.

He keeps saying "the prices will only go up". I think he will die without selling them and I won't get money from them.

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i thought foreigners werent allowed to own property in china

>Communist "country"
>Own property
man communism really couldn't be anymore dead

You need to go back

look at his flag

China is Nazbol sort of

Selling leases is a thing. It's not innately capitalistic or communistic.

>property in hong kong
holy shit your dad is rich as shit

No, he got cheap property there from the 80's. Also, since he's retirement, he'll be given a free small property which he plans to sell.


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Why? Aren't you his son?

My family have property in China but I have no idea what the situation is
I have family that used to own property in Hong Kong but I have no idea what the situation is there either, they're filthy rich

They literally groom them h@p@s as living shill farms. Intentional @ so their webscraper cant scrape this in archives

My dad used to own an auto repair shop in either China or Hong Kong. But the place was abandoned for decades. Somebody demolished the place and built a shopping centre on top of it. My dad found out and sued the place.

What surprised me was that he won the lawsuit and got paid. I always thought "China was corrupt" and that you could never win in a court of law unless you had money/power.

Take your meds

I hope he sells them and instanly goes on a spending spree and leaves you nothing

Why doesn't he rents them? That's the easiest money ever.

he need to sell now before property bubble collapse. lucky bastard. if not you need to cave head in for economic prosperity of family.

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>He keeps saying "the prices will only go up"
he's right

As said, the property market is headed for a complete collapse in the next year as soon as the Fed allows the Dollar to deflate slightly by starting a recession.
Tell him to sell now before it's too late and the riots start breaking out in force, worse than what's already been going on.
Speaking of which, how's the current situation in China bro? Last I remember reading, there were bread riots in Shanghai


everything is fine hehe...china #1 xi best leader in chinese history over mao even.

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My grandpa got a small house at guangdong. Gave it to his cousin instead, its useless for him since his direct descendants are all in here