Would you eat here?

would you eat here?

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static1.squarespace.com/static/61ba6b5717614378f01ce562/t/623b4a680d0c9411ef381d65/1648052844308/Menu - Drinks.pdf

do they serve bras?

I thought the premise of the bar was that the women working were only wearing sports bras and I was excited for a moment.

>implying women watch sports let alone women's sports
>women's sports suck so no men will ever show up
it'll be out of business within the year

so overpriced beer, bar food, AND there's nothing to watch? yeah this place is just gonna rake in the dough

the only people who "watch" women's sports are male feminists who spend the whole time looking at their phone

If I can see panty shots, and if they have a drink called the Panty Shot.

Depends on what kind of women's sports they're showing.

Baseball? That's a hard pass. Beach volleyball? Sure, I'd go.

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I'd buy their 4K TVs when they go bankrupt in a month.

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I don´t give a shit about sports, so no.

They don't watch it either. They just talk about it loudly on social media for good boy points.

then cue the inevitable articles about the city being sexist and it being in no way their fault

>only shows womens sports
I could see maybe prioritizing womens' sports
But literally just not showing real sports is business suicide, I give it 4 months
Actually it's Portland so 6 months, people will go there to be seen going there for a while

Not even women want to watch women's sports
With few exceptions it's like watching a shittier tier of players than the men's version
I'd actually be interested to see how this place does over next few years

do you think the volleyball sponsors pay more so they can be the ones on the butts of the women

>a year
that's very generous of you user

only the most die hard sports maniacs watch womens sports and there arent enough of them to make money

I’m going to open a bar that only shows women’s beach volleyball and no less than 2 big screens will be dedicated to slow motion shots of girls picking their shorts out of their butt cracks


>no ass
>no hips
>broad shoulders
>a hint of chlamydia
>greasy unkept hair
>most likely racemixing mudsharks
Dutch "women" everyone

>sports maniacs
You mean 'gambling addicts'

Depends on the sports.
Hot chicks in tight clothing?
I'm all for it.
Ugly dykes playing basketball?
Oh no no no no

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Why not show both? Why is it one or the other? The bars by me already show womans sports if nothing else of interest is on

>women's sports being pushed hard lately
>also trannys are infiltrating womens sports

yeah them too

I'll only go if they show womens beach volleyball because I watch for the sportsmanship

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is this actually a good way to get a tv? I don't have a tv

It's in Portland, so it may last for a while, but even the local population is likely to abandon it after the novelty wears off.


women's tennis is kino

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I'm just looking at their drinks menu here, the price of a standard pint is a large motivating factor in my decision
static1.squarespace.com/static/61ba6b5717614378f01ce562/t/623b4a680d0c9411ef381d65/1648052844308/Menu - Drinks.pdf
There are exactly 2 beers on this menu and they're shoved under "Other"
this is sexism

Yea I bet virtue signaling faggots will show up the first week and slowly taper off. I bet the beer and food is overpriced too

Is there any booba in women's sports?

That's probably how they con people into going in there. Like if Hooters was a bar dedicated to Owl watching.

i had a feeling it would be in PDX just based on the gimmick and picture

Nice a bar where I can finally order milk

They'll be out of business within a year or two guaranteed.

Women really do associate everything with their vuhgynas, don't they?

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If you can find a place going out of business sure.

WITHIN the year
Any day is fair game

no I only watch hockey and never womens hockey

I think anywhere else in the country any bank would be very wary about giving a small business loan to something as destined to fail as this is

water polo

Sony emails revealed the people making these decisions are power hungry and slightly out of touch so actually yes, they have private bidding wars on who gets top billing, same with cars.

Surprised they chose an IPA, women hate those

Do you even really need to ask that? Look up how much a nascar hood spot goes for vs. the door or tailgate

Imagine the smell.

I only watch women's sports.

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So it's Lesbo's from that episode of South Park?

If they had decent food I'd go there to watch some UFC or WWE PPVs. Unless they turn the tvs off when there are male figths and matches.

there aren't nearly enough womens sports to fill viewing hours unless they are just going to constantly show repeats.