Born in brown shit

>born in brown shit
>life instantly ruined

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andá a laburar, sinvergüenza

I would if they paid me something, what about 60k gross a year? can i get that? oh what? u say 4k a year? lol i'd rather be dead.

>He doesn't try at all

You are dead weight to your people, family and your country, leech


it is one thing to work and one thing to let urself get brutally scammed they way brownentinian subhumans do, I have multiple items in my room only which cost more than an entire monmth of slavery from a brownentinian subhuman.

As long as you provide some kind of service and make money by doing something I don't care. If you live on welfare like a leech or from your parents you should shut the fuck up


third worlder subhuman cope, next year I will be getting paid in a year what u get paid in a lifetime. i'll work in a real country.

You've been saying that since 2 years ago, lmao what an absolute fucking joke.

Once again, if you live from welfare you should shut up, leechfag

>I will make more money than you!
Sounds like cope

Do remote working for can/us or upper LatAm tier company. Alternatively work in a thirdie state for an MNC that would rather ship in skilled worker and pay them high housing allowances than hire locals.

I've also been saying that I would graduate this year since like 2019.

>Sounds like cope

what am I coping about? I either work in a real country or live off my inheritance, no point in exchanging over half of your life soing something you don;t want for 300 usd a month (lol what a fucking joke as if 3k a month was shit, imagine doing it for 10 times less, sometimes even lower amounts).

>I've also been saying that I would graduate this year since like 2019.

Whats your degree? What makes you so sure on getting a job abroad from argentina without international credentials or experience

EE, I only need to graduate and know a way of getting a green card but I need to finish the degree.

I see, I'm assuming your going to some country in europe that isn't spain? If you're just doing your bachelors I do think it would be convenient for you to pursue a masters degree, it seems kinda unrealistic that your argentinian bachelors in EE will assure you a job in europe by itself. Plus 2 year masters degree can help you obtain your residency

What country are you planning to go?

Trabaja en algo, pajero de mierda. Yo también estoy en EE, pensando en buscar oportunidades afuera, pero si piensas que te vas a titular e inmediatamente encontrar trabajo y residencia en tu país soñado eres tremendo retrasado. Dudo que en Argentina no existan empresas que necesiten un ingeniero eléctrico/electrónico y que paguen bien.

lol nigga ee pays like shit all of engineering pays like garbage here and everywhere. in the us some retard web developer spends 3 months doing some shitty internet course and gets a job that pays the same starting as an ee and three years later he is getting paid three times more than u whle working less and with the possibility of working remote while u slave 90 hours a week in some shitty office/factory and get crapped on by everyone, engineering is an horrendous life choice, I will work as a software engineer, the ee degree is only to get into the us, and to bulk up the resume.

I know a way of getting into the us that almost no one else knows.

also the degree I'm doing is like 4900 hours of class long, it has a duration of 6 years which is actually more like 8 years and it has an average time of completion of 10.5 years, in the us it's taken as the equivalent of a bachellor + master, although both of those degrees in the us only equal to 2900-3k hours of classroom time.

Ngl all of this sounds like schizophrenic LARP made by the Argentinian equivalent of 0n

>Bachellors of 6 years that is almost like 8
>I know a secret nobody knows to get in the US and get a job there as a software engineer that I didn't study on, nor have the qualifications to take the job there

Your story sounds awfully like 0ns delirium

>90 hour week
Nigga please, stop this is embarassing

I thought Argentina came from the boats.

>ay pero es que los gringos
Idiota la comparación sin considerar el costo de la vida.

>ay pero es que 90 horas a la semana
Trabajos de mierda hay en todos lados, lo mismo con trabajos buenos pero dificil que lo sepas si ni te has molestado en buscar algo y te quedaste con lo que aprendiste a punta de memes.

Finalmente, en cualquier caso, sin referencias ni dinero no vas a llegar lejos. No vas a spawnear mágicamente en USA listo para ser contratado por tu empresa favorita. Por último dedicate a trabajar en algún proyecto open source.


>Idiota la comparación sin considerar el costo de la vida.

this is such a pathetic cope, while third worlders subhumans cope soft eng in the us are literally saving millions while living a life much better than anywhere else

>no references or money

I'm tall and pretty, that's enough for me to mog the other candidates if u don't understand this it's cuz u r not blackpilled and are an ugly midget mestizo, I already have 400k usd inherited and will inherit more in the future, any
''reference'' or ''contact'' I could make in this cesspool is worthless and irrelevant, slaving here is a waste of time, u r just another jealous coping third wolrder, third worlders such as yourself always repond bad when they see someone from their cesspool actually getting out of it, like crabs in a bucket.