I only have $10 left in my bank account and I don’t get payed until 2 weeks from now

I only have $10 left in my bank account and I don’t get payed until 2 weeks from now
Does this happen in your cunt

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maybe if you graduated high school you'd have a better paying job

pol be like
bro just buy beans and rice and uhhhhh h collect rainwater

What do you do for a living?

What are your expenses?

Do you have a pretty mouth?

So what's your plan, user? Got anything to sell or eating at soup kitchen for the foreseeable future?

buy cigarettes

Buy a $10 scratch off and maybe you'll get $100

Should be enough to buy a rope and kys

Are you actually poor and making this terrible financial decisions or do you just pretend to?

I've ended every month on a negative since the 90s

My last paycheck was 2862€

>$10 left in my bank account and I don’t get payed until 2 weeks from now
Beans, rice and potatoes.
Eat 2x per day.
Wait until payday, eat pic related until you puke.

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dude just learn to code

I did graduate high school
Car, insurance, phone etc
I do but I can’t for a while

You know there are two routes to having a profitable Onlyfans. The first is having a pretty face and nice body. The second is being willing to do anything you are asked. Do you have a pretty face?

I'm also trans btw

My last paycheck was $670
Don’t buy anything for 2 weeks and don’t drive anywhere unless it’s for work

Oh, so you're just a moron that wasted his money on lottery tickets, cigarettes, booze, and strippers.

Yes except lottery tickets
I used to make so much more money before I joined this faggot military why did I do this

Assuming you're enlisted, could talking with your sergeant help?

>bro just buy beans and rice and uhhhhh h collect rainwater
i do half of these just out of convenience

my boss hasn't paid me in two months lol

>collect rainwater
I don't want to go to prison, user

>have cs degree
>Work from home doing almost nothing

Also I will buy a brand new car this week.


whats wrong with rice and beans?

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Collecting rain water is illegal here

He’s probably give me advice but I’m too embarrassed
I will just not spend any money until I get paid