Are zoomers tall in your country?

Are zoomers tall in your country?

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no, I'm not

Yeah, I'm 184 and a lot of them are taller than me, a lot of them also look scrawny as fuck though or have borderline androgynous faces at times.
Fucking weird man.
I was never the tallest in my friend group but this trend is still odd to see.

185cm here and am taller than literally 99% of men over 40 yet there were 5 or 6 kids in my class who were taller than me

I've noticed a fair few of them are tall as fuck, yeah. Give it another 50 years and they'll have to remake bed sizes to fit the lanky cunts.

someone's who's 20 in 2022 is 100% a zoomer

Shockingly yes.


look at how long the arms are compared to the torso... that's some hormonal bullshit in the food, i read that it's a know side effect of that


both things are correlated, kids with testosterone deficiency usually grow up to be taller than their peers, thats due to their bones hardening at a later stage of growth, which also means that they have weaker bones.
scientists have pretty much confirmed that all humans alive have microplastics in their bodies, and plastic consumption has been linked to gynecomastia and impotence, connect the dots yourself.

>white washed fag

Yes but it is accompanied by looking very feminine

el peruANO señores jajajajajajajajajajajaj



I don’t get it


Em espanhol ânus se escreve ano

I sincerely think that new generation in western countries are smaller than the previous ones.

Imo phones and internet fucked their genetics. To be tall you need to have a good sleep the night. And new gen spends their nights with their phones.

Also endocrinian disruptors fuck hard their health I noticed. The only lucky ones are girls because these disruptors mostly affect men

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