Something odd I noticed about US domestic politics

Something odd I noticed about US domestic politics...
When blacks and browns move to a neighbourhood in large numbers:
>instant ghettoification
>crime, violence skyrocket
>businesses close and leave
>filth and garbage everywhere
Media: nothing is happening, don't mention it. That would be racist
When whites move to a neighbourhood in large numbers:
>income increases
>more businesses open
>crime drops
>everything becomes cleaner
Media: gentrification! Cultural genocide! Evil white people are destroying the homes of poor black folx

Attached: c27.png (660x574, 89.26K)

One thing you don't mention is that in some areas gentrification actually starts with browns/Asians/gays moving into a neighborhood before whites start moving in.

tell me about it

Gay people can’t be white? No wonder they push for LGBT so hard

Gays, asians and 2nd gen Arabs, Indians and Hispanics move in then reset the marker and prices go up.
Really when transsexuals move in you know the neighborhood is getting rich fast then whites show up.
If tranny go to a place it's going up

Where did he say gays can't be white.
Anyways once trannies move into an area it means millionaires are coming in soon. You want to live around transsexuals. Great schools, low crime, everything is clean.

This whitey is too scared to live first so browns move in and conquer the land from the beasts of the earth and pave the way for whites to move in

No one mentions when a black or brown neighborhood gets good because it gets gentrified by the city sooner or later you Polack

do american blacks even move?

>Really when transsexuals move in you know the neighborhood is getting rich fast
How are transpipo so rich though????

Actually, yes. In some cities, all the black people who get a job (even a low-paying one) will flee the ghetto and move to another working-class neighborhood with white people in it, which makes the ghettoes even worse off since no one in them has a job.

They move to white areas and ruin it and whites move out and the cycle continues until the end of time.

Whites leave as a place gets too crowded
Place goes to shit
Males go to jail
2nd and 3rd gen with money takes it over
Transsexuals show up
Whites move back in

Yeah but you're Polish.

We are saying the same thing

Same reason gays are
They aren't repressing shit
So they are full functional people
When you repress heavy you can't fully function
It's just biology

gays was just another goofy propaganda push of the late 00s. The true engine of gentrification is Mexicans, who are willing to live in the ghetto with obsolete farm animals. The next step is white people with a relatively local and stable job, like Nike or IBM. Then you get homos to sell white people goofy shit that they like, such as $20 donuts.

>The true engine of gentrification is Mexicans
Yeah that's more true. Though Asians act similarly, or at least did more in the past.

A human being cannot be full functional
Repressing that amount
Gays simply aren't repressing
They aren't stuck in the limbic loop like Chuds.

Almost all Black Americans come from the South. Millions of Black people left the South during the Great Migration in the early 1900s

is that why their accents are so fucking annoying and retarded? they picked it from early redneck settlers or something?

Do they teach it in school?
I was very surprised when I looked it up and learned cities like Cleveland, Chicago, Philadelphia used to be +95% white. I only knew about Detroit

Attached: great african american migration.png (1598x1074, 227.68K)

Foreigners didn’t know this? Yes, they have hillbilly southern accents. It’s kind of remarkable they still have hillbilly southern accents in places like Chicago where they have lived now for like 80 years, when Hmong get Midwestern accents in one generation, but w/e.