Hi Any Forums

Hi Any Forums.
I'm writing a scientific paper and you are going to be its subject.

So please, complete this short 2-question survey titled "TV and attractiveness".


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>You have already completed this

It'll be funny if I'm the only person who took the survey. I'm pretty sure I was the only reply to the first thread too.

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>It'll be funny if I'm the only person who took the survey.
You are not.

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Oh, I guess people are answering and not bothering to post in the thread. I think it's a dumb survey anyway. Why even ask people to rate themselves? How will you get accurate answers like that.

For example, if a person thinks they're a 5 and I think they're a 7, who is right? That's why I've always thought that giving someone a number rating for their attractiveness is dumb. Even if you get 1000 people to rate someone's attractiveness, it won't actually change how any singular person perceives the person being judged.
Asking someone to rate their own attractiveness is just like a test of self-esteem. A woman could decide she's a 10 and I could think she's ugly. That's why I think it's pointless.


Just 2 questions? That's it, anyway I answered the first with 1 hour, hopefully I will be the only, on average I don't watch a lot of tv, but maybe I should have included Youtube time as well, I have been getting back into Breaking Saul Camino manverse, but most days I might not watch anything.

I put 0 because I don't even watch regular TV. If the question had been
>how much time do you spend on Any Forums
then it would have been the complete opposite.


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Based ctarl-poster, I'll do your survey

Good luck on your paper fren

Okay answered,
I didn’t know if movies counted though so I took at at it’s word

Done, fren.



pls fuck off

pay me $20 and i'll do your dumb survey😠

