How the fuck do you self-immolate this badly lmao

How the fuck do you self-immolate this badly lmao

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literally who

>shitposting on twitter all day to defend women

Fucking zoomers

>lefty twat of yesteryear gets eaten by more advanced lefty twats who are further into the bullshit
a shame though, he wrote some funny shit

Was prepared to ruin Count Dankulas life for clout. Karma is a bitch, goblin.

literally nobody likes him anymore lmao.

He acts completely insufferable to literally every group of people, just one time he got out-done in terms of how insufferable he could be and took it on as a personal mission to relentlessly pursue them.


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Formerly a celebrated Irish comedy writer with huge success in the UK. Father Ted, Black Books, The IT Crowd

>simping for TERFs
>getting caught up in some war between trannoids and normies
lmao what a fucking sap

>defending women
from what? how is ranting on twitter about trannies 24/7 is anything except for ranting about trannies?

>tweet 300 times on Christmas day
>how did these trannies ruin my marriage!

>shitposted his own marriage to death fighting the troon menace

Poor Gazza. Another fallen hero.

Dude created Father Ted and The IT Crowd, then like 5 years ago somebody "called out" his lame joke "i used to be a man" joke on IT Crowd and he went completely fucking insane, literally lost EVERYTHING because he wouldn't shut the fuck up about trannies. Total pariah, his wife left him, etc. IIRC he once made 160 tweets about trannies on Christmas day

>defending women
>the troons stole my wife from me! She has no agency to leave me for becoming an absolute nutcase

Black Books is so good though

>shitposting on shitter to dab on trannies
>gets banned
>makes burners and dabs again
He is pretty fly for a retard

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He ended up posting on Mumsnet lmao

Yes, women have no agency. This is a surprise to you?

And I thought I hate trannies and jews

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>be a total dick and bully insecure trans girls all day
>other women realize you're a dick and desert you
>"B-b-but its not my fault?!"

Why do transphobes like him and Rowling think they should have carte blanche to attack people? They act so surprised when anyone pushes back lmao

fuck off back to discord tranny

Hahaha wtf

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You know there's a dedicated board for us right? Trans people belong here

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go to that board then and stay there
And no that board is for faggots not trannies
trannys belong on discord


No I want to discuss movies and movie related stuff

>spends a solid month shitting on count dankula for making Nazi pug video
>Gets completely BTFOd by the trans mafia later for making jokes about trannoids

Hardest I've laughed all year.


Do these people realize they don't need to have twitter and that they don't need to post anything there?

He also made a "joke" post where he dressed up as tranny to "prove" how weird they look, but most people now just think he's in the deep closet. there's probably not a single person in the world that's more obsessed with trannies than he is, it's 100% not just hate

he jumped all in on defending feminism from transgender activists. It's valiant to fight against transgender activists, but cringe and gay to fight on behalf of feminism

what a cuck

>“I’m really sorry to barge in on you Mumsnettters with my problems, but I’ve been finally suspended from Twitter and I have a feeling they’re either going to ban me or just take my verified tick,” read the post, published at 3.16am on Saturday.

>published at 3.16am on Saturday.

>“I’ve submitted an appeal with Twitter and the Better Business Bureau but I thought I’d post here too so people knew what was going on.”

>appeal with [...] the Better Business Bureau

Black Books is shite
Father Ted is shite
IT Crowd has one good episode, the rest is reddit shite

fuck trannies but this bloke is a complete nonce


>be a total dick and bully insecure trans g-ACK!

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You just outlined the rational he has to follow to redeem himself sir. gm

Sounds based, YWNBAW

Stop talking about your pro tranny shit then.
Nobody believes in your degenerate religion based on human experiments on children
Based lineham calls out the trannies on shitter
JK rowling said it how it is that trannies are degenerate sexual deviant perverts
They are not "transphobes" they aren't scared of you, they are disgusted by you.
These people are trying to keep the morality of society clean and our childrens minds free of your degeneracy
They are Any Forums based, and based, not faggots like you discord trannies

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Kys first

>Trans people belong here
Oh my sweet summer tranny.

"Trannies could be here" he thought, "I've never been to this board before. There could be trannies anywhere". The cool wind felt good against his bare testicles. "I HATE TRANNIES" he thought. Dude Looks Like a Lady reverberated his entire bedroom, making it pulsate even as the £2 Tesco Cider circulated through his veins and washed away his (merited) fear of surgery after dark. "With an anonymous forum you can post anything you want" he said to himself, out loud.

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>Trans people belong in shallow mass graves
ftfy sweetie
