She's right you know

She's right you know

Attached: will smith.jpg (1674x834, 265.97K)

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Show me Hollywood punishing Will Smith and
not punishing Harvey Weinstein

I'd remove all those white men oscars just so I cold remove the one from the nigger.

Mel wasn't punished by Hollywood?

And this is exactly why they will never take his Oscar. They don't want to open those floodgates

It's time for blacks to rise up against their oppressors tbth.

Oh yeah people in general love Harvey

Looks like leftists need to be taught why guilt by association is a bad thing again.

People are clowning on Smith because he acted out at a “classy” event, all for the honor of a total whore who doesn’t care about him.

Besides Allen and Baldwin, they are punished. And Baldwin is about to be.

those classic white men woody allen and harvey weinstein

Stop trying to make this about anyone else but Will Smith. Motherfucker we talking about you. Not your brothers cousins sister. gtfo

Well yeah he turned a lot of people into household names.

they didnt do it in public in an internationally televised event.

>Yeah this is bad
>But whites are worse!

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Baldwin, Allen, Polanski, and Weinstein are all definitely worse

This must be difficult for leftists.
>How can we make this about white people? 🤣

Funny how everyone on her list got away with it except for the non-Jew.

And people want to racialize it for absolutely no reason.