Why did he do it?

why did he do it?

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cocaine habit

>his girl doesn't like to party all the time

on the contrary he didnt have one so he had too much time on his hands and got ideas.

he probably thought jada just shaved it off as a fashion statement

This song was a MASSIVE hit(I was there), and Eddie is a seriously gifted musician

Attached: 72 million.png (1312x628, 124.25K)

My girl fucks august all the time, august the timeeee

He partied a lot with Rick James and there was no reason not to.

Do what?

I figured he got the idea while high on cocaine and kept the party going long enough to see it to completion.

fucked shemale prostitutes

This song unironically slaps.

it's a decent song

trannies are hot

one of the best songs of the 80s


>That's right I said COKE!

eddie was the king of entertainment back then. movie star, top standup, why not make bank on a single too
same reason every TV show since the 50s had tie in music

He has a good voice.


Imagine getting cucked and writing a catchy pop song about it lmao

I'll always be an Eddie Murphy fan. One of the all-time greatest comedians
But LMAO at him getting stopped by police with a tranny prostitute in his car at nearly 5:00 in the goddamn morning in an area well-known for gay prostitution, then coming out and saying "I was just giving her a ride and being a good Samaritan"
He will NEVER live that shit down. Like, nigga....just admit you wanted some tranny bussy that morning
Richard Pryor openly admitted to his tranny romps, and his career didn't suffer from it
I still got love for Eddie, though

Good song, should have been Rick James singing it though.