Turks are review bombing Moon Knight for mentioning the Armenian genocide

Turks are review bombing Moon Knight for mentioning the Armenian genocide.

Quote from the film: "Had Ammit been free, she would have prevented Hitler and the destruction he wrought. Nero, the Armenian Genocide, Pol Pot."

Now for some of the IMBd reviews:

There is no Armenian Genocide, you historical ignorants. Are you all illiterate or anything else? Don’t you ever read a real historical document? We are really really and really tired of your lies and ignorance. That is really enough."

It’s like a Netflix propaganda series but more expensive and more political. Don’t waste your time with this crap and watch something else. Penguin documentary would be better."

There are too many scenes that contain elements of racism and vilification of a nation. There has been a special effort in recent years to vilify a nation and society."

Nowadays, the US film industry likes to pump false historical information about the fake “Armenian Genocide” b*...t. Obviously, the Armenian lobby works hard and influences this false information all over the world. This title is another piece of this lobbying effort, nothing more. Strong thumbs down!"

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Young Turks fans strike again.

>Had Ammit been free, she would have prevented Hitler
lol who writes this shit?

Lead writer, Jeremy Slater. Sephardic?

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>"Had Ammit been free, she would've destroyed America first."

I honestly forgot that the Turks still existed. Didn't Putin wipe them out in a war between 2010 and 2015?

>Kids superhero show
>propaganda about the Armenian genocide
??????????????? I HATE KIKES

I used to see this venn diagram of shitholes picture all the time. It had turkey in the middle, anyone know what I’m talking about?

Based Turks. They should review bomb every subsequent Disney offering until they apologize.

If mutts care about armenians so much why do they and their (((overlords))) support Azerbaijan?

Red pill me on the armenian genocide.

Dissident population during the last days of the ottoman empire, a bunch of them were killed. Jews don't like you talking about it because only jews can be genocided.

why do these literal who countries always rage about pointless shit?

>Penguin documentary would be better."
>Armenian lobby

>"Had Ammit been free, she would have prevented Hitler and the destruction he wrought. Nero, the Armenian Genocide, Pol Pot."
This is actually a pro-white quote.

anti-Christian, killed millions of white europeans in senseless wars
Most notorious for his persecutions and crimes against Christians
>Armenian genocide
Muslim genocide of native Christian population in Anatolia
>Pol Pot
Communist dictator that killed millions

>the armenian lobby
they sound like Any Forums's schizos

Oh how about these Morbius reviews

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>prevented Hitler and the destruction he wrought. Nero, the Armenian Genocide, Pol Pot.
are they subtly blaming Hitler for these other genocides? Fucking lol

I mean there is an Armenian lobby. Armenian-Americans have been pushing the president to recognize the Armenian genocide for many years, Biden finally gave in. Of course Armenoids don't have anywhere near the clout that Jews have though

Why are Armenians so butthurt about this?
Imagine being so fragile that somone bringing up your history makes you cry. 🤣😂

I’ve spent some time on Any Forums and I can tell you no one can hate their neighbors quite like these small nobody countries. I despise ohio but it’s not like I’d trying to genocide them and cover it up or anything.

>There is no Armenian Genocide, you historical ignorants. Are you all illiterate or anything else? Don’t you ever read a real historical document? We are really really and really tired of your lies and ignorance. That is really enough."
Why does this remind me so much of the way Any Forums talks about how the election was "obviously stolen"

Why do Turkish people get butthurt about the Armenian Genocide?

Fucking roaches

>Armenian butthurt
>because Turks are review bombing
>about something Armenians say was real being mentioned

>Obviously, the Armenian lobby works hard and influences this false information all over the world.
Is the holocaust real or fake?

The armenian lobby is pathetic and powerless, cares a lot about PR and optics. Meanwhile the azeri just bribe jews and israelis directly to support them.

Because they are denying historic facts to look better. Typical Muslim behavior.

>Why do Muslims hate anyone who isn't a Muslim?
Gee, that's a mystery...

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