Rust from True Detective is completely right about the psychosphere...

Rust from True Detective is completely right about the psychosphere, it completely explains the current state of film and tv and the current hot topics of hollywood.

Think 10 years ago, hell even 5, no one cared about all the things that have essentially gone from non existence to 50000% growth in the past few years.

>The “psychosphere” is a concept originating in the work of weird fiction authors like Roland C. Wagner and H. P. Lovecraft. This uncommon term can best be defined as “the sphere of collective consciousness”—a theoretical space where every human thought is projected outward into an ethereal dimension. Everyone who inhabits this space has access to these airborne thoughts. Thus, the existence of the psychosphere compels people to respond to the same ideas, symbols, or myths.

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>Rust describes the psychosphere as something toxic and widespread, analogous to the factory smoke floating across the background of the Louisianan setting (as in the opening credits). When approaching the Childress property (E8), he tells Marty, “That taste. . . aluminum, ash– I’ve tasted it before” (when they had been driving away from the Dora Lang crime scene). Evidently, the psychosphere is spread by the depraved practices of the cult. In their insightful analysis “The Deeper Meaning of ‘True Detective’ – Season One,” Vigilant Citizen explains, “The concept of psychosphere is important in occult circles who conduct mega-rituals to influence the ‘collective unconscious’ – often for nefarious purposes.” In the show, “these mega-rituals are purposely staged to shock and traumatize the masses [primarily through depictions in the press], who then collectively send these thoughts to the psychosphere, creating the type of ambiance the occult elite revel in.”

If you don't want to read these quotes then just do a little thought experiment for yourself:

If every household/family on the planet was secluded somewhere with all the necessities they would ever need and could not interact with other households for 10 years, what would they discuss with other households/families once the 10 years were up?

to Rust the psychosphere tasted like aluminum and ash, interesting given his choice of beer canned in cheap aluminum and camel wide cigarettes. i think antonin artuad was onto something as well with his theater of cruelty.

there's that meme about the farmers talking about the drops and wondering what the city folk are doing.
that's the power of memes, it condenses what you said into something someone can digest easily.
if you open with that then schizo post you'll probably catch more fish

I'm not schizo, I read that analysis somewhere else.

What meme?

City folk meets the farmers
Farmers comment on his footwear and automobile
Subtle comedy in the name of their shop

How would I turn sneed into something relevant to what I said? Also I'd get banned for sneedposting I think

>a theoretical space where every human thought is projected outward into an ethereal dimension.
Any Forums?

*psycho's fear

Could this explain why it seems like everything has gotten more insane with the takeoff of social media?

>everyone can find sources and facts to back up their argument, whatever it is, at the drop of a hat
>everyone can find an echo chamber to virtue signal in and receive virtual back-pats
yes the advent of social media will prove even more destructive than the advent of television.

Jung is more or less correct regarding the collective unconscious. The zeitgeist isn't an euphemism, it's a literal thing. Hegel said there were two, a Volksgeist or "people's spirit" and Weltgeist "world-spirit". If you're a racist you believe Hegel.

Read the explanation, there is no break from this stuff, it gets more and more intense because it has to or else people will get bored.

>If every household/family on the planet was secluded somewhere with all the necessities they would ever need and could not interact with other households for 10 years, what would they discuss with other households/families once the 10 years were up?

They would probably talk about what they did during those 10 years. What's the point of this hypothetical? The schizo rant in the OP is really low IQ garbage but that's standard for Any Forums.

What's actually happening is the average person gets their opinions from the TV and the garbage they watch. There's no fucking "psychosphere". If the opinion of the masses changes then it's because of propaganda.

user, I don’t wanna hear that shit, that Hollywood is somebody’s dream or you can smell a psycho’s fear. Quit saying odd shit.

that's literally just confusing correlation and causation. humans respond to the same ideas, symbols, and myths because those who didn't were ostracized or outright killed

Correct. It's like how the Swastika is banned in Germany. The government themselves control what the population is allowed to think but the media does most of the work. Dumb people like to make up retarded conspiracy theories when the answer is much more simple.

Now everyone can expose themselves as a schizo retard. So you read a bunch of schizo shit you don’t like and a bunch of schizo shit you do like and now you too can say schizo shit like a retard.

>there is no psychosphere
>but there are opinions of the masses
Lol, lmao!

That's literally what it is


>That's literally what it is

Why do you have to make up some stupid term for it? There's already a term: Propaganda. Anything that only exists in modern times but not in the past is a result of propaganda. Diversity is the prime example. Most people probably think it's okay or even good when it's a modern invention. It's fucking propaganda that makes people think that. They put diverse casts in every show and movie, even historical shit, and suddenly people are okay with it.

I didn't make it up, it was made up hundreds of years ago

Propaganda is too vague

Okay, well, I still don't understand the point of this thread and I doubt the person who made it does either. It's just some midwit who thinks he learned something about the world. I've been on Any Forums forever and I learn nothing except the bottomless stupidity of man. Don't bother replying after I add this to my filter.

Old man go watch avengers

the akashic record, the void that binds, the secret chiefs

there's no repercussions to spouting bullshit. 40 years ago, the town schizo's reach was whoever heard him yelling. now it's the entire world. and he can reach all the other schizos and they can form their own bubble and never have to be challenged.