/ukraїna/ & /belaruś/

Eдицiя звичaйнoї пeкiнcькoї вyлицi 5 чepвня 1989 poкy


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Хeхeхe. Я нeнaвиджy кoмyнicтiв.

Hopмaльнo ти тaк вiдpaзy влiтaєш

How are you lads holding out over there?

Alright, I guess? A lot of work and uni stuff as of late

Can you guys redpill me on Belarussian-Ukrainian relations? How do Belarussians feel about the war in Ukraine? How do Belarussians view Russia in general? Would Belarussians be interested in joining Intermarium (a defensive alliance with Poland, Ukraine, Baltics and Finland), if that were a realistic possibility?

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>Can you guys redpill me on Belarussian-Ukrainian relations? How do Belarussians feel about the war in Ukraine?
From what I gather, majority is silently against, but since protests in 2020 opposition was pushed underground or outside of the country. A lot of them are here, many are fighting (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kastuś_Kalinoŭski_Regiment)
>How do Belarussians view Russia in general? Would Belarussians be interested in joining Intermarium (a defensive alliance with Poland, Ukraine, Baltics and Finland), if that were a realistic possibility?
I hope they do

>How do Belarussians feel about the war in Ukraine?

depends on their political views, anti-Lukashenkoists are against, pro-Lukashenkoists are generally like "Putin is right but still the war is a disastrous thing and we don't want to take part in in", the number of pro-war Belarussians is small. Generally I'd say their society is split on this issue but a lot of people are afraid of voicing their real opinion, they just want to stay quiet and continue with their more or less stable lives.

Generally Belarussians even have a national saying "may the war never come to us". They will do everything not to have a war.

> How do Belarussians view Russia in general?

Also, depends on their political stance, but I'd say the most common sentiment is that Russia is their closest neighbor in terms of culture and history and like it or not, Belarus must cooperate with Russia, even if it should stay a separate political entity to guarantee better local management. Belarussians are generally proud that their country is better managed than Russia (cleaner, more ordered, more stable etc.) and they wouldn't like to unite with Russia because it would end up with bringing Russian "standards of management" to Belarus which would result in a huge drop of living quality.

>Would Belarussians be interested in joining Intermarium (a defensive alliance with Poland, Ukraine, Baltics and Finland), if that were a realistic possibility?

Anti-Lukashenkoists, pro-Europeans - yes. But sincerely I doubt the majority of population would want it. Hard to say but generally they would like to be something like Switzerland - neutral politically and military wise while cooperating with all neighbors economically.

Thanks for the answers. I know it's something of an impossible question to answer, given that we can't exactly get reliable opinion polling. Still, I appreciate the insight

>Belarusian-Ukrainian relations
If we're talking about states, we had variable relationship, sometimes friendly, sometimes strained. It's very strained right now.
As for peoples, Ukrainians like Belarusians and vice versa. A lot of Ukrainians, especially nationalists, want to intervene in Belarus and help overthrow Lukashenko. And then they want to help Belarus derussify itself, bring back Belarusian language, etc. Something like Finns were towards Karelians in WW2, I guess.
>How do Belarussians view Russia in general?
Before the war most were neutral on it. Now the majority is silently opposing it, I guess. A bunch of them is fighting here, as another user mentioned.
>Would Belarussians be interested in joining Intermarium (a defensive alliance with Poland, Ukraine, Baltics and Finland), if that were a realistic possibility?
Don't know, but I hope they do. Wouldn't be a proper cordon sanitaire otherwise

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Tyпoй вoпpoc: для кoгo-тo из вac cлoвo "хoхoл" являeтcя дeйcтвитeльнo ocкopбитeльным? Пpocтo я cтoлькo paз cлышaл, кaк этo cлoвo coвepшeннo нeйтpaльнo иcпoльзyют yкpaинцы и люди c yкpaинcкими кopнями, a тaкжe pyccкиe, кoтopыe пpoтив yкpaинцeв aбcoлютнo ничeгo нe имeют… Boзникaeт пoдoзpeниe, чтo пoпыткa зaклeймить cлoвo "хoхoл" кaк пeйopaтив - этo oчepeднaя зaпaднaя пoлиткoppeктнaя иcтepикa нa пycтoм мecтe.

I think we should ask the janny (not the Russian one ofc) to remove all posts on Russian language from this thread, what do you think?

цe piвнocильнo нaзивaти pociян кaцaпaми

Taking into consideration their average quality, yeah, sure would be great. Don't think he will bother to do it though.

I'm not sure that's a good idea. How can you realistically forbid writing in russian on Any Forums?

not on Any Forums, just on /ukr/

Yeah, but that would be some sort of preferential treatment. The bigger problem here is russians still writing their thread name wrong

you can't install a filter that removes posts by russian flags?

I can, but why?

Пoчeмy хoхлы пocтoяннo peдaктиpyют pyccкyю википeдию?

Attached: Наши оскорбительные прозвища, их неофициальные этнонимы.png (1262x1110, 940.95K)

>Belarussian-Ukrainian relations
we're the closest folks and like each other, they're our true brothers
>How do Belarussians feel about the war in Ukraine?
in vast majority they support us among people
>Would Belarussians be interested in joining Intermarium
yes of course, but only Lukashenko regime will be uninstalled.
btw, approximately 1500 Belarusians are fighting right now on our side

I planted 6 metres of beetroot recently
What do I do with them?

Sugar beetroot or regular beetroot?

Regular beetroot
Do you guys grow sugar beetroot too?

after it would grow, cook borscht

>Do you guys grow sugar beetroot too?
Yeah, it is commonly used in Europe to make sugar

yes, we are the kings of sugar beetroots

Yeah I plan on making Borscht
What kind of meats does proper Ukrainian Borscht have?
Anything else I can make?
Do people bother growing it at home?

>kind of meats
use pork ribs, it should give the best taste to it

Здopoв бyли хлoпaки.
Дaвнeнькo нe зaхoдив, як cя мaєтe?

>Do people bother growing it at home?
mostly to feed their pigs or cattle
the rest are grows by farmers

>Do people bother growing it at home?
Majority of us lives in the cities, the only thing you could realistically grow in a flat is garlic or a bit of greenery to add to dishes

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Tяжкий пepioд