Zero threads

>zero threads
holy shit did the house of mouse fire a dud or what?

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Yawn batman rip off

they aren't even boasting about their fake ratings so it must be a disaster

the first episode was all set up and the protagonist isn't real


Somehow they made a shitty Disney+ Marvel show. 😒🙄😣

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People are tired of this c-list bullshit nobody cares about. Just bring in the X-Men and Fantastic Four so they can be disappointed.

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Mouse shills are busy making anti-Morbius threads right now all over the internet. They need the Sonyverse to not make money or else Sony will keep Spider-Man in movies for the rest of eternity.

Oh is there new capeshit again?

Is that Lock Up from BAS? Dude was one of the best episodes

It's a shitty series about a schizo, at least Legion made a mind of a schizo fun.

Yes, and yes.

There were threads a few days ago when the first episode came out
The problem is like says it was largely just set up so there's not much to talk about other than "how will Disney fuck up the ending to this one?"

This is shaping up to the the best D+ Marvel series yet; better than the entirety of Falcon And The Winter Etc., Loki, What-If, and even some of the movies (like Captain Marvel.)

why does he look like a character from mortal kombat

Moon Knight is just MCU fags that wanted some of The Batman hype. Episode was boring as fuck. Show looks like absolute shit at times too.

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disney is getting ready for the greatest crossover of our time

It was ok, let's hope it gets better and not Loki

phase 4 is just a lotta flops

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Everything is getting bumped out because of April Fools. Plus, the West Coast Ban Evader has arrived with their usual shit.

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Imagine collecting articles and making a collage about capeshit. Then, imagine being a person who "hates" capeshit and saves that picture so that they can use it later in a thread about something that they're going to visit because they "hate" it.


Dude, I've been dying for Lock Up in live action. Dude would be based in a Arkham film series.

Moon Knight is cool too. Definitely B List. He was a West Coast Avenger! Have some respect.

>It is 2012. I am watching The Avengers in a cinema. It is unlike anything Marvel has done before. CGI action figures bash into each other, and I enjoy the mindless entertainment.
>It is 2019. I am watching Avengers: Endgame, the culmination of 11 years worth of mindless entertainment. It is unlike anything else in the MCU. The grand finale is CGI action figures, bashing into each other.
>2021 now. I press play on the first episode of Wandavision, the first MCU show. They say it is unlike anything else they have ever done. Eight weeks from now, the final episode features CGI action figures bashing into each other.
>It is 2022. The MCU will release a combined total of six movies and shows this year. I no longer wish to look at dead things.

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Shitty CGI: Logs, monster, costume
Obnoxious onions boy protagonist
Generic ebil cultist protagonist

Only neat part was the schizo voice in his head during the chase scene.

Disney has a busy schedule of grooming kids, it really can't be bothered to make good content boys.

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They really shilled this shit at the Super Bowl just for nobody to watch it.