Woke up

>woke up
>go to telegram channel of ex-president of your country
>see this
does this happens in your country?
(i'm translated his last post
via f12 in browser)

Attached: Dmitry Medvedev.jpg (833x960, 267.3K)

I'm tired of this constant seething and damage control in our media

those propaganda is making me kinda nervous

What's supposed to be wrong here?

Why that nigga so bent out of shape

>invade country
>proclaim yourself the victim
Is it schizophrenia? Or do they just play a role to rile up the masses?

>borders drawn by Russian dictators in 1945 are le good
>borders drawn by Russian dictators in 2022 are le bad

Ukraine made the mistake of the century giving up their nuclear weapons in exchange for Russian security guarantees

>hungayrian has learned nothing about borders in over 100 years

What is the lesson to learn? That America can do whatever it wants?

wtf why are Ukrainians so evil?

Trianon was… LE GOOD

lmao he thinks that's an argument oh nononono :D

They really looking for an exucse to nuke the west. Don't they?

>believing what politicians say

Attached: 1641426678161.jpg (1024x723, 55.59K)

That's just a fact. Ukraine was created the same way as they are now creating Donbabwe and Luganda. So what's the moral position here?

Why is it impossible to think that politicians might actually believe their own bullshit? Russia has been declassifying Communist party archives, and it really does seem like they believed that stuff even behind closed doors

The US is getting better at baiting people. The Soviet Union did the same to us in Cuba but backed down when they realized we go all the way (nuclear war). They reached a deal where both sides got to save face. This could have been settled through negotiation years ago. But that is not in the US's best interest and does not coincide with their long-term goals.

Nigga's butthurt because we stole all of his stolen shit. He'll never get to go to his estate in Finland ever again

The moral position is not murdering people, you absolute nonce.

It's kinda crazy. Poles are siting here in Poland (and london, wink) and suddenly a russian guy goes "ooohh they wanna kill us, invade kaliningrad, take western ukraine, eat our babies!! We must nuke them to defend ourselfs and we will just right after we finish this invasion thing. Fucking aggressive pszeks!".

russia should engage in aerial carpet bombing instead of this shit. just turn ukrain into dust. why play cat and mouse. end the war fas so we can get back to wearing masks and fearing for boomers' lives

>why does the west persecute me so

Hungarians have their brains washed by Orban's pro-Russian propaganda. I don't know what he wants to gain from it.

This is their siege mentality, their governments has to invoke this kind of feeling in Russians to justify huge military spendings

>Having sex = bad
>Taking showers = bad
>Spending my entire youth on the internet being angry and diving into the right wing incel rabbit hole = good
This is you

What is he talking about?

*gets mugged by a Ukrainian refugee*

What you see is nothing more than few people fighting to retake Zhirinovsky's niche

You mean not murdering fellow white people. It's okay to be a Russorealist. Yes the world would be a better place without Russians, but these double standards just make me cringe.

Never happened. Refugees are almost exclusively women, children and old people.

>people care more about shit that's happening next to them
Whoa, got any other deep insights you'd like to share?

Hungarians should be subjugated, theyre too retarded to rule themselves

*abandons his country for Britain*

i've caught 3 of them in a net and been using them as slave labour ever since.
good stuff, they work hard, carry heavy shit and mutter slava ukraine to each other like pokemons who can only say their names

>Why don't you support people who wants you dead
Gee I don't know
Projecting much?

Are there not people in his own party willing and able to do that? Who even votes for the LDPR? I see they even have a couple of Governers. What happens in those places?

If Ukrainians really wanted you dead there wouldn't be a single Hungarian person alive in Transcarpathia to this point. Stop parroting bullshit.

fucking joke

>He mentioned Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and Condoleezza Rice in the video. Zhirinovsky called Rice: "a black whore who needs a good cock. Send her here, one of our divisions will make her happy in the barracks one night. She will choke on Russian sperm as it will be leaking out of her ears ... until she crawls to the US embassy in Moscow on her knees

most calm Russian man

yea, he was a based boy. Gone to soon.

>Things that happen in the middle east didn't affect me.. because they just didn't!
You can say it: "I hate Russians and I would do anything to see them gone."
They will turn on us once they finished their business in Donbabwe. Surly arming Russia 2.0 with the latest western weaponry won't lead to anything bad.

>russian qveen lovers


yes I'm sure Ukraine will declare war on the whole of NATO anytime soon

>They will turn on us

Why would they wait with it? They had 30 years and suddenly they would have to wait until they end a war against Russia which is not even certain to be won by Ukraine?

>Surly arming Russia 2.0 with the latest western weaponry won't lead to anything bad.

Do you think if they really wanted to destroy the Hungarian minority, they would NATO weapons for that?

I don't believe Hungarians are THAT retarded, you must be trolling.

>Based Putin stopping Ukrainian nazis before they get the chance to do that
It was all a ruse. Ukrainians were going to take Moscow first, then Nato

that's what their doing but with arty since their air force is shit