Can you imagine looking like a bitch in front of 80 million people?

Can you imagine looking like a bitch in front of 80 million people?

Attached: 02722bff5a66aa16b95bb374f987db09.jpg (1624x2240, 650.85K)

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No. I thank god I look like a bitch in my cave, hidden away from everyone

Did you expect him to act like a nigger chimp well hosting the oscars? Literally he handled it the only respectable he could

Thats edited right
his mouth cant actually look like that

All the niggas wuz like "yo you hear bout Chris Rock? Dat nigga got smacked!"

By Will fucking Smith of all people.

i dont know. life is complicated. some part of you might have to think about the sex you dont want at the same time you're processing pain and trying to be funny.

The worst part about getting slapped like he did was that it was over a shitty joke about a 25 year old movie. It wasn't even funny. Even if they made some woke reboot GI Jane movie, Jada is too fucking old for that kind of role. It's absurd.Imagine getting fucking smacked on live TV over your lame joke.

maybe gambling debts. who knows?

The only bitch in this situation was Smith. Rock actually has a chin and Dana White should sign him to UFC.

Will Smith do

Rock in the thread 😅

bro trust me no one thought he was the one that looked like a bitch this isnt middle school that shit was extremely pathetic

I dont push peoples buttons, so no

No, but neither then Chris Rock.


Attached: jonah.jpg (299x169, 6.92K)

>80 million
that's quite generous

More like Chris Cock lol

More like 88

He looked based tho

It was either him or Will. If Will did nothing he would get twice as many cuck memes than he already gets

>be Chris Rock
>bullied your entire childhood
>never fit in with the white kids
>never fit in with the BedStuy negros in your neighborhood
>dedicate yourself to your craft
>become rich and successful
>only to be bullied again on a bigger stage than ever before

Chris... I'm sorry everyone was so shitty to you. I would have hit Will with a blast double and smacked him back.

Attached: 1648774654461.png (1267x827, 1.33M)

Will was right 💯
Only weak men disgree. 💢
Strong men will not watch their family be mocked in front of the world and do norhing. 💪

>everyone knows Jada cheated on Will
>Will laughed at the joke at first
>Will then sees his wife's face and flips out over one of the lamest, most tame jokes imaginable at her expense
>Chris thinks about doubling down on making fun of them, but stops himself because he pities Will