Why was Portugal so technologically backwards in respect to Castile?

Is that the reason they hate Castile so much? How do we cope with this shameful comparison portubros?

Attached: Cloister_in_Cathedral_Evora_Portugal.png (998x486, 697.84K)

Portugal was a country built by white people (Suebi).
Spain was a country built by moors of Al-Andalus.

Do you think that's the reason why Castile absolutely MOGS Poortugal in the architectural field?

Yes and in every other field. Wypipo can't compete. Compare Portuguese and Spanish food

Portugal is better.
Spanish one is tacky and gaudy

Didn't know moors used to build cathedrals

Why can't you poo in the loo pooki sama?

que dices boludín, quítate la polenta de los ojos anda

El de portugal se ve mejor, y el de españa se ve grasoso, sobrecargado y exagerado.
Queres que te lo diga en arabe tambien?

Ni puta idea tienes de arte. Me estás diciendo que un claustro de doble altura construído en gótico radiante es GRASOSO mientras que un claustro gótico en un estilo atrasado, anacrónico y de una calidad artística cláramente inferior es mejor? Y sobrecargado en qué, entonces el día que veas la catedral de Reims te da algo si esto te parece sobrecargado.

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Muchas boludeces, no me gusta el maximalismo, pero alla vos

I am Chinese in London.
"Moors" refers to anyone from the Moorditerranean Sea.

Esque esa es la premisa del gótico a finales del siglo XIII, la complegidad geométrica y la infinidad de detalles, casi barroco.

Attached: Reims_Kathedrale[1].jpg (1536x2048, 517.76K)

go visit sicily

simple, yet elegant. openings for breeze to pass through and a charming garden.

tacky af, trying too hard. looks like it's 35C inside and no plants.

Didnt Portugal get absolutely rekt by that earthquake in assassins creed

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that was in the 18th century

The earthquake also affected Spain, or don't you see we are next eachother. Anyways this building where like this before the earthquake of Lisbon.

looks like built in the 12th century despite being built at the beggining of the 14th century, incredibly backwards compared with what was being built in Castile
Complex double cloistier built in the last style of the time, rannoyant gothic at the end of the 13th century, modern, high cuality, closed to protect the interior of the cold winters of Burgos, full of beauty and sculptoric detail of the best cuality.

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>The earthquake also affected Spain
Wasn't it in Lisbon? There's no major Spanish cities near there, the closest big-ish city is Badajoz I would think?

Because we are white and portugays are black

The cities of the southern atlantic coast where completely destroyed, like in Huelva or Cadiz, where the tsunami reached 20 meters high and literally jumped over the city walls. Also the effects of the earthquake where felt well inland in the peninsula, numerous buildings suffered heavy damadge. It was a pretty strong one.

Oh I wasn't aware there was a tsunami. Huelva and Cadiz would be expected then yea
I had no idea it was that strong though.

Imagine what a 20 meter tsunami could do to a city that looks like this. The tsunami also killed thousands of people in the coast of Africa. Buildings where damaged even in central Spain, and it was well felt even in the mediterranean coast.

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