Roughly 10,000 civilians have died from the war in ukraine

>roughly 10,000 civilians have died from the war in ukraine
>about 100,000 people die in mexico every year from cartel violence
>white people at war are less violent than brown people at piece

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>>about 100,000 people die in mexico every year from cartel violence
Not really, but a lot still die

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did that war actually happened?

I didn't realize we were so violent

>>roughly 10,000 civilians have died from the war in ukraine
Wait wat

Jesus, North America is the schizo continent lmao.


More like white people and their yellow and brown servants breaking the bucks of brown people

10.000 civilians in three months, for a country of 40 million.

36.000 in Mexico in one year, pop. 130 million.

And of course Mexico is at war, feed by US drug demand.

those civilians are guerillas though. they count as civilian cuz they dont wear military unfirom.

We're a violent hemisphere in general

Reevaluate what peace means.
Those 10 thousand in Ukraine died mainly, almost int heir entirety by paramilitaty ukrainian death squads.
Maybe you can now decipher western propaganda and realise you don't live in the normal world while everyone else deviates, but in one of the main blocs of power in the world today. History has not ended.

10 million innocent Ukrainians were slaughtered by Russian orcs.

The soil is evil.

>north america

Stop with ahistorical generalisations please.

>Virgin Islands

We didn't choose to be born with high test

left is north america, right is central america.
Mexico is both north and central american (central america is also north america) whether they like it or not.

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Do not take the lords name in vain

Native american spirits taking revenge.