Do people get randomly attacked in your country?

do people get randomly attacked in your country?

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>in Oakland

Hosptial be like
>That'll be $200,000 plus tip thanks

Only people who look Chinese and it's usually Pakistanis doing it (the irony). The best part is that the Chinese looking people who they attach for being Chinese are usually Ugyhurs.

what happens in oakland

niggers I imagine

stays in oakland

Atleast he's a chin

turks meeting actual turks for the first time kek

More black on asian violence, baka

NIGGAS did this

Not really, we don't have niggers around my city. Are there any niggers in the south or something? I don't know why amerisharts think there's africans here I've never seen any black people, with the exception of immigrants who don't even speak Spanish.

Oakland used to be a crime riddled no-go zone. Niggers and cantonese gangs and illegal operations. It was gentrified rather heavily in the 2000s, however. This caused yuppies to move to there as SF became extremely wealthy from silicon valley and was even pricing out some engineers, so they moved to oak. Then mismanagement of the cities over the past few years, which went into overdrive during covid, allowed oak to return to its violent nature. except this time there are a bunch of yuppies living there with no street smarts.

Street smarts in this case being first hand experience in CQB and urban combat, and being prepared for a firefight while commuting?

all essential skills in the Democratic Congo of America

he relaxed

There are people in the US who walk alone with an expensive phone out and earbuds in or headphones on. They are often from some rural part of the country, or from abroad. Extremely easy targets. I used to work at an urban university in the US, and even though we specifically had seminars for incoming foreign graduate students from safer countries, nearly every single one of them would get mugged at knife or gunpoint their first semester. The few who didn't have problems were either intimidating/tall/well-built, or from countries with similar crime rates to the US.

heavy industry
black people
youth mob attacks
depolicing strategy
bart fucking up so bad they had to pay another agency taking all their customers to fuck off
human feces
homeless camps shutting down mass transit
bus fights
rim leases
stolen catalytic converters
suicide by train
water (polluted)
water treatment plant (homeless camp)
freeway interchange
$10 bridge toll

think I covered everything

sovl, you don't suffer in oakland


>water (polluted)
>water treatment plant (homeless camp)
Deepest lore.
More details?
So I should in fact be thanking the pickpockets here (domestic and gypsy alike) for training our situational awareness in a safe for work way?

To seriously answer this question it's knowing which BART trains got "youths" on them and which don't, which times of day they show up, and getting all your important shit done before 11 because that's when the homeless start waking up. It's also avoiding the homeless, not giving them eye contact, how to avoid stepping in poop (and knowing where poop is most likely to be) and avoiding arguments. Same it's knowing where to not drive, where to not park, and where to not leave your car unattended. The sort of place that makes a $105 parking ticket worth it, because at least the car wasn't broken into or stolen. Mileage varies.

More practically it's knowing which libraries got homeless living in the bathrooms, which libraries still have books, which mcdonalds are still doing in-person eating, which mcdonalds still got bathrooms (usable with a token given at the register), and when to stay away from downtown. Subtler things like porch monkeys and random sideshows, which Oakland is notorious for, are part of the culture and you get used to the weekend partying especially in the summer. And by "partying" I mean making the local liq our store strip mall unusable then going out and shutting down the freeway and fighting the police. Der Jude, also known as tow truck drivers, exploit this knowledge to immense personal profit.

This was in front of a tourist district, this guy was a local and probably more aware than anyone. Tourists would absolutely be fucked.

Problem is you have criminals literally everywhere now and nobody stops them. There is gang shootings on highways and shit.

seeing crazy crackheads everywhere is rare as fuck in most of europe but common in north america now.

oakland is still yuppie. just that daylight crime spilt into literally everywhere.

most people are normal, but sometimes the 1% of people only understand violence.

Attached: Oakland.jpg (596x446, 63.63K)

>So I should in fact be thanking the pickpockets here (domestic and gypsy alike) for training our situational awareness in a safe for work way?
Yes actually.

>More details?

eh, not much. The current port was constructed in the early 1970s, so it's a nice big modern facility with lots of walls. Important city facilities like the water plant, steel plant, and ikea are nearby. It's also separated from our planet by three 12-lane freeways that all combine into the Bay Bridge. This junction is named after the guy who dropped nukes on japan, and partially collapsed in the 1980s. When it was rebuilt they disconnected the trains underneath so the historic train station was abandoned and taken by the homeless. As opiates became cheaper and as meth became more dangerous in the 2000s, the homeless camp expanded from 50 to 500. Now it's nearing 900, with more living in half-abandoned warehouses such as the destroyed ghost ship. The bridge was rebuilt, costing the city all their money, and now it looks very pretty. Now they're trying to get rid of the steel plant for a new baseball stadium* and this is causing a lot of butthurt because it'll mess up all the railroads and truck routes into the port. There is no solution to this and it's just a big lawsuit.

*the original stadium is already 2/3rds abandoned, and will be 3/3 abandoned once the team leaves for Las Vegas. The original stadium has it's own 400+ homeless camp outside, and sits between the BART station with the employee stabbenings and the local salvage lot.

eh when I went to europe the gypsies were harmless and just beggers.

here its straight up straight arm robbery and visible anger if you look "better than them" e.g. not grubby and poor.

Trial by fire is one way to learn, unfortunately. There might be ways that people can learn street smarts without having to grow up in a shit environment, but I don't think there is, or at least not universally. I would have rather grown up a pleasant and caring environment, but growing up in a terrible and violent environment has offered me a few silver linings in life. Having been in fights, aimed firearms at people, had firearms aimed at me, been arrested, done time in jail, and a short stint in prison, weren't exactly fun experiences, but by the time I was in my mid-teens I didn't really have fear and people seemed to not want to get into altercations with me, and it's stayed that way (mid-20s now).

___ NEVER RELAX. That was his biggest mistake.

Oakland has always been super violent. Even when the violent crime rate was "low" it was still way higher than San Francisco or San Jose. Some guy I went to high school with got killed there. He was like 16. I don't go there at all. I don't like tempting fate.