Is USA the best country in this world?

>they created burgers
>they created the airplanes
>they created guns
>they have beautiful people
>they have beautiful landscape
>they DO NOT suffer

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What species of homo is that?


>>beautiful people
>>beautiful landscape
Not theirs (it belongs to the native americans)
>>they DO NOT suffer
I wish they did

I wish they could suffer everything evil out of this earth. I wish every american could feel like they aren't loved by anyone. I wish they couldn't feel what being happy was. I wish they couldn't feel the warmth of their mother's hug. I wish they couldn't feel like they belong. I wish they felt left out of a group, just like they don't belogn. I wish all americans were starving to death and almost passing out out of the most cold they could felt. I wish demon itself were torturing them, sticking his demon dick in their buttholes.
I wish every american could feel my wrath and feel all the pain I wish I could inflict on them

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France created guns? Also a good portion of our land was won from Britain/Mexico in wars or bought from Spain/Russia so we stole a lot less land than you think and the Indians we did take land from have billions sitting in the bank waiting for them or don't need to pay taxes.

you are fat

Ok and? I'm working on it.


try skim out your muttness that won't work lool fucking fat fuck american

I don't get what you are trying to say here. Are you using google translate?

shut up nerd

hey you fat fuck I bet you don't even understand a tad of a foregin language

You clearly don't know English very well and as for me I know a tad bit of French. I don't see why you keep trying to insult me when you can't scrounge up anything better than calling me fat.

>clearly don't know english
Ok satan just point me out where I messed up you fucking dumb american

This entire sentence. "Try skim out your muttness that won't work lool fucking fat fuck american." What the fuck does it mean? The point you are trying to convey is very unclear using the given words.

Why would he need to? Kek

ya seethe

damn are you retarded
aren't you shedding weight you fat fuck your whole post were based on that
>muh i'm working on it

But that post makes zero sense its utter nonsense. The fuck does "muttness" have to do with weight?

you are both fat and a dumb mutt
you dumb fucking mutt fat fuck

>Is USA the best country in this world?


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Listen pal if any country in the world is mutt central its Brazil. Also the sentence is indeed grammatically incorrect because "Try skim out" should be "Trying to skim out".

Well goodnight and have a nice life I know I will since I live in the worlds greatest economic and military power.

I like America. I went there on holiday back when I was a kid and met a lot of nice people. We went to NASA and I had a Denny's Grand sandwich. It was very nice.

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lmao I wouldn't want to live in your retarded ass country even if I got paid to do it
you fucking dumb faggot you are retarded just like every american. Your idea of "nice life" is based on objects and buying things. If you weren't a dumb fucking american I think you would atleast be sad to live in such a disgrace of a country

You are brown mixed ugly and retarded

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I'm not gonna lie, I actually kinda like it here

Aw. Do you mean a Grand Slam? Cute either way