According to american, this guy is considered black. And when he do crime he will get added to black crime/murder stat

> According to american, this guy is considered black. And when he do crime he will get added to black crime/murder stat.
I believe that why black american stat are so high bc of one drop rule

Attached: IMG_20220607_080135.jpg (1080x1070, 277.31K)

Well yeah, he's clearly black.

>green eyes AND bbc
Keep that nigga away from my girlfriend please

What is he if not black?

This is why El Sistema de Castas is superior

Lets do a game, will this guy be added to black crime stat or not ?

Attached: IMG_20220607_080720.jpg (1080x1052, 316.1K)

A Mulatto

Yes, he is black.

would you add him to white crime?

Will this guy be added to black crime stat?

Attached: IMG_20220607_081125.jpg (1080x1046, 293.85K)

There were guys like this in my HS, women loved them

Yes why do you keep posting these guys who are clearly black?

he's mulatto or quadroon, but not black. Obama isn't black, but he's not white either.

Will this guy be added to black crime stat?

Attached: IMG_20220607_081602.jpg (1080x1049, 423.24K)

Im asking if he will be added to white crime stat or black stat?

There are mixed people.

he's clearly mixed you mean no one in sub-saharan africa look like this guy

Plenty of mixed people in Africa user. There's even a fucking island of them.

Indons are the worst poster on this board

americans be like
>ah yes this is a common phenotype found in the deep jungles of congo and the vast savannahs ok kenya

Attached: 674530675.jpg (480x640, 43.46K)

Are there crime stat for mixed people?

this guy is white
these are black

what race is this person

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It's also that poor people are much more likely to commit crime overall, and most black people are poor. It's really that simple. When you adjust for income level there's not really a huge difference.


also black

ITT: nothing but black people so stop asking. They are all black. Yes, even Wentworth, just look at that fucking name lmao

do you honestly think sub saharan africans look like this
that this is a common phenotype found in sub saharan africa???