Scariest, most disturbing thing on the internet you've seen

What was genuinely something that made your spine shiver on the internet? This could be clear net, deep web or dark web material. Just anything other than CP.

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that tiktok with the smiling woman in the closet, embarrassingly.

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honestly. nothing has chilled my spine more than this utterly TERRIFYING image in the OP

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Probably the Worldcorp videos

jannies paycheck

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What the fuck am I looking at

There was this 12 year old girl who was abused by everyone she knew who recorded herself necking herself in her garden a few years back on Periscope. It was very hard to watch, she was crying while saying "I'm sorry" before doing it and her corpse was hanging for a long time.
I wouldn't say it made my spine shiver but I won't ever forget this video and it always makes me feel down thinking about it

I've seen a great deal of gore, i remember back 15 years ago when the knife decapitation clip stayed with me for a long time but now it's the little brother dace planting his sister into her birthday cake as a joke and the candles gouge her eyes out.
I can even consider myself traumatized by this clip, i can't look at any clip featuring candles on a cake now.

>the little brother dace planting his sister into her birthday cake as a joke and the candles gouge her eyes out.
I don't believe you

someone got the vid? Don't know that one


I've posted about this before, but Toolbox killer transcripts (not the toybox killers). They were these British serial rapists and murderers who would use tools in their work van to torture their victims. They filmed at least one and the transcript made it out of the courtroom.

I've seen beheadings and stuff but something about the things she's saying and the fact that it's text makes it more disturbing because your imagination fills in the tone and details. He's making her perform oral sex and tell him how much she loves it and wants him to cum, and at one point just shatters her arm with a hammer. One of the lines is just something like "oh God you broke it!" and that shit has stuck with me for several years.

There have been a couple of times where during sex a woman has said something that triggered my memory of it and I've lost my hard on and I can't exactly just explain to them why without looking crazy. I know saying this won't dissuade people, but I'd recommend just taking my word for it and not looking it up.

It wasn't even real horror that I saw. It was more like that disgust you felt seeing it. There was a TV reportin Germany about a cannibal and sex cult in Trier and a Child-Psychiatrist who had some Kids that made it out of there. The Kids described under Tears what she saw and it was just disgusting to listen too. She saw how a bunch of people ate her friend on a table and started with the eyes while she was alive. She used the phrase "Igitt" which is something you say when you see something disgusting, more or less like "bah" and everytime someone says something similar, my mood instantly drops to a low because it reminded me of the children.

The Psychiatrist also mentioned that there is barely any help against such a trauma and there is no way that a child could made that up in such detail

iirc this guy was exposed to high levels of nuclear radiation

corona virus

I haven't seen it but I can definitely see your point.
I get a similar feeling from listening to 911 responder calls and reading the transcripts.

I feel you, user
found about it months ago in a similar thread (it was probably you who posted it), tried to read it and couldn't make it to the end. I'm not one to actively seek out gore videos but I've seen my fair share of disturbing shit through the years, and this was one of the heaviest. the sheer perversity of it holy shit.
I'm pretty sure they're American not British though, and that the FBI used the audio tapes (which are otherwise unreleased) in the training programme of some of their homicide investigators, so as to harden them

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