
>What is Interslavic?
Interslavic is an auxiliary language created to improve communication between Slavs.
The vocabulary and grammar are the "average" of Slavic languages and its meant to be understandable by all Slavs without prior learning.

>How to learn Interslavic?
>Should I learn Interslavic?

>Resources to learn:

>This sticky (use this when creating a new thread)

>Interslavic sample

Attached: 1629041505420.png (1920x1280, 8.36K)

Other urls found in this thread:


NATO should've all learned Esperanto and The Warsaw Pact should've all learned Interslavic.

Butthurt belt the language
Learn russian instead

Zdrav. Znam, že nočeju ne bude tu mnogo ljudi, ale tutčas jesm skočil pisati prve sticky, nu i tak jesm zapostoval. Velmi ljubim sej język, itak byh hotěl go promovati.
Pisanje so slovnikom (interslavic-dictionary.com/) je zaisto legke, tak rekomenduju probovati

Здpaв. Знaм, жe нoчeјy нe бyдe тy мнoгo љyди, aлe тyтчac јecм cкoчил пиcaти пpвe sticky, нy и тaк јecм зaпocтoвaл. Beлми љyбим ceј јeзык, итaк бых хoтєл гo пpoмoвaти.
Пиcaњe co cлoвникoм (interslavic-dictionary.com/) јe зaиcтo лeгкe, тaк peкoмeндyјy пpoбoвaти

jesm zakončil*

>mfw i can understand a decent amount of it from learning russian for a few months

Attached: cheburashka.jpg (774x600, 209.51K)

but holy shit the latin version looks awful, is it more common to use the cyrillic or latin letters when communicating in interslavic?

Toj znači, že język izpolnja svojų funkcijų
Toј знaчи, жe јeзык изпoлњa cвoјy фyнкцијy

Mně sę podoba latinica.
Obě versije sųt ravnoznačne
Mнє ce пoдoбa лaтиницa.
Oбє вepcијe cyт paвнoзнaчнe


>improve communication between Slavs
what is the purpose of that?
we can communicate with russians pretty well but it dont give us nothing to make relationships better

They aren't the only ones speaking a Slavic language, you know?

Auxiliary language idiots think somehow language will bring people together. This is dumb. People think differently according to culture of which language is only one part. People’s mentalities need to change for unity not the language they speak. I.e. it’s for autists to pass time and will be forgotten in a few decades in a few archived webpages and Wikipedia articles if that’s still around.

And when has the Bosnian language ever been useful/relevant?

Zaczem v 2 czasa noczi sozdavati tred

Nu ja ne jesm rěkl, že lučša komunikacija bude prinesti mir na světe.
Ja prosto ne znam velje ob južnyh Slovjanah na priměr, a ja povinen znati veče, no ne imaju možnosti
A ten fred na priměr može byti takovoj možnostju. Vot.

Tut jesm napisal

German/Austrian construction sites


Nikoli, vse dokler se imenujem Sloven'c!

Věm věm

why the most retarded folks on this board post under your flag? the question was not about that, read it once more

Attached: panSlav.png (756x3082, 150.1K)


So you're saying that autism will save us all...

I don't want to bring anyone together
It's just that I like the language so I will be promoting it. I want to learn it and it's actually not impossible that this language will gain traction, because it's so easy to learn. If Slavic children were taught it all over Eastern Europe then it would be an effortless way to communicate instead of English in touristic destinations etc.
Just because Esperanto and Toki Pona failed doesn't mean that everything will.

or maybe not failed. Actually Esperanto has some success, but obviously not what it aspired to be.
But the points is that they're not conlangs that are predicted to be successful in the near future, but Interslavic actually might be