There are non-slavs who speak a slav language

>there are non-slavs who speak a slav language

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I wonder why non-Slavs do that

My father is from Fryazino and he fucked my Liberian mother. You can't even imagine my suffering.

Because of our sheer geopolitical power of course, but they should should stop immediately
...Ok, sir


ew, russian...

idi v huj pidorška

I will learn Russian and I will butcher your language

Attached: za lupo lupo.png (626x434, 488.63K)

I am learning ukrainian and i intend to move to ukraine

half russian, half liberian? rare combo.

You should use "na" instead of "v" in that phrase.

zapisan si urnemu ginevanju

hahahahah, to je bila moja variacija na marinsko pasto iz časov, ko so bili /slo/ji še realnost

nienawidzę słowian
dosłowni podludzie

>My father is from Fryazino

Attached: 1579961945440.png (634x620, 670.35K)

>Half MENA
>Half Slav
Weird combo

Attached: TGAMP.png (240x318, 123.11K)

How do I read word ginevanju ? Also, I can understand every word you write apart from it, can you find something about it's origin ?


Attached: Liberia-World-Map.png (1080x1080, 37.88K)

Sorry, I read Lebanon

Blagodarju. Poljski ljudi "v+akzuativ" pišut.
Čto? Koliko slovenskyh v Any Forumsu?

I kinda do agree that this country is going to shit so much that an active warzone is preferably alternative.