Why do i fantasize about joining a war and fighting along my fellow men and soldiers?

Why do i fantasize about joining a war and fighting along my fellow men and soldiers?

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Join a mercenary company if that’s what you want

because you've wasted your life playing video games

every male person does this
congrats, you're not a tranny

I fantasize about an incel rebellion no cap frfr

norgay has no enemies tho
we have evil people on the border on the other hand

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okay, lara

I am chronically ill and i was never in army training at 18-19 because of >>>>>>>(((((ADHD))))) so i'm probably completely useless.

low iq

It sounds hyper-meaningful doesn’t it?

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idk what it sounds like or what reasoning can be used to justify it but when i watch videos and clips of war it almost feels familiar, and that this is something i was supposed to do.

you're romanticizing war.
those who live comfortably wish they fight in the war by people who are actually live in war zone wish for it to end.

on other hand. It's definitely honorable way to die. you fight for the thing you believe and fight along side on those you love.

perhaps those who have nothing to live for, wish their have purpose in their life? and so they seek the answer through the romanticization of war?

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If you're anything like me than it's solely because you know that would be the only way for you not to die alone

lmao found the repressor

i would really appreciate it if you didn't post such pictures

Because what you really want is a holiday with a lot of adventures.

I daydream about joining a Dirlewanger type bandit unit and getting drunk with my pals while torturing and executing innocent civilians all the time.

Because your life is boring and you need action. Blood memory.

Idk about familiar but I have the fantasy myself. It’s the cameraderie, the strenuousness, the fact that there’s really no question about who you are or what you should be doing or whether it’s worth it.

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Yes my life is extremely boring.

and to think i will never have a mikasagf either

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Because every man thinks about war and conquering, but the hard task is to mantain peace.

People say this but there are endless testimonies of American soldiers who lived through war and even miss it. There was a book about it.

Oh yeah, you’re literally me.

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