HBO Spawn

i don't want to read 500+ volumes of comics, is this show a better alternative?

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Any Forumsnoisseur here
>The comics are shite.
>You appreciate them as a kid and tween, because they were dark and edgy.
>And at the time no comics outside Image were printed on quality paper nor had colors as vibrant. (Image was maybe the first to embrace the use of computers for coloring and lettering.)
But once you get older, you look back at early 90s Image comics and cringe. You don't even need to reach adulthood to reach this phase. It happens when you are a teen. That's really the first stepping stone to maturity.
>The HBO Show was everything the comics wanted to be but couldn't.
>It was even darker and edgier than the comics with GOT and Boardwalk Empire levels tits and gore. (No tits or F-Bombs in the comics) But it also had something the comics lacked: story and substance
>Also consistent proportions on the characters
The only reason to read the early MacFarlane comics is if you're some capeshit historian doing research on some scholarly work. Or if you're autistic.
And if you really have to read a Spawn comic, stick with Steve Niles's Hellspawn or or Sam and Twitch.

I loved this show.

Sent from my Voxtech-2 78900902 Hellmoth.

thanks, dude, i really appreciate it. you saved me the troubles of buying expensive volumes.

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yes, however it got cancelled before it could finish the story, so it just kinda stops with no resolution at one point

90s comics were an absolute treat compared to today's garbage

Watch anime bro. Comics and Cartoons are lame they are like 3 or 4 artistic tiers below anime and manga.

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im contained with cowboy bebop, i don't need another fix of jap quirks and tropes.

It's not like you can't read anything from another time period.

>i don't want to read 500+ volumes of comics
Hey, I never get to talk about this, so let me do so here because this will otherwise be useless info stuck in my head forever.

You don't ACTUALLY need to read 500 volumes of Spawn because like most comics, the main story "ended" and spun off into half a dozen other things. I very much would recommend everyone read the main run of the comic which runs from Issue 1 to issue 164 (Armadeggon). Everything after that can safely be considered non-canon or just ignored.

Also, Spawn is a very old comic born of an era very different than today. I don't say that in a "lol trigger warning" sense, just that a lot of people sort of don't expect how...lighthearted it is? How campy it can be at times? It's a great character, but there's also a LOT of filler in the stories and a good chunk of the comic run isn't just 90s EXTREME ACTION, but is just normal life stuff of the side characters coping with their world while kind of tangentially being related to this undead zombie man who they used to know.

It's still a very good comic and I recommend reading it. The animated show, however, is very much leaner, tonally dark throughout and has very little humor or side stuff. It's good, it's a great representation of the comic, it's just a very stripped down experience, just the bare bones really.

back to Any Forums with ye 🤮

interesting, no one pointed out that anything after 164 can be safely ignored

Speaking of which, there's a Spawn manga as well

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Anime is literally below this.

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He's right in that the story kind of peaks and ends after a certain point, and anything from that point forward is kind of a retcon of events, despite being in the same continuity.
There's some side stories like Curse of the Spawn (futuristic spawn) and Medieval Spawn, but the main storyline blows it's load at around issue 100.

Why 164?

>no one pointed out that anything after 164 can be safely ignored
It's not really something anyone would be aware of if they weren't familiar with the comics themselves as they released. The best way I can explain it is that Spawn as a story starts with Al Simmons (the main character) being reborn on Earth after dying and making a deal with the Devil to come back, with the condition that he serve as a soldier and inevitably a General in Hell's war against Heaven. The whole comic run sort of deals with both Al (Spawn) coping with his new life as a mangled, ugly, undead hellspawn against the fact that he wants to return to his wife and old life, but they have all moved on and now he's stuck unable to even talk to her and also having to fight people and evil things from Hell that want to kill him. That's basically the whole story.

Around issue 150, they decided to "end" that main plot by essentially working up to Armageddon, the destruction of the Earth and the final battle between Heaven and Hell. I'm not going to spoil it because it's genuinely a great run of comics with fucking fantastic art and well worth reading. But it also puts a final cap on the entire plot.

Of course, since it's a comic, while it COULD have ended at 164, they decided to keep going and essentially rebooted the series after, just without the same writers and without the same artists, and it sort of got less good after that and most people stopped reading it.

A manga???

Sent from my Voxtech-2 78900902 Hellmoth.

You can continue after that point too, but Al's story kind of reaches it's logical end and a new Spawn takes over.
Later on, Al comes back and the current story is like a rehash of the things they've done before.
It's similar to DBZ in the sense that what you've thought was the endgame or the final villain is simply replaced by a new threat.

I never knew there were multiple spawns, I only saw the film.

>I'm not going to spoil it because it's genuinely a great run of comics with fucking fantastic art and well worth reading.
I stopped reading there. How to say you have shit taste without saying it?

Yeah. The guy who made spawn is actually a big fan of Akira so he outsourced it to japs at one point. It's kind of weird and all over the place but I enjoyed it.
There's pretty much a spawn from any period of time and background. Pirate Spawn, Viking Spawn, etc.

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Huh, I did not know Todd Macfarlane was into anime.

Sent from my Voxtech-2 78900902 Hellmoth.

Valiant's watercolors > Image's digital coloring

To his credit, it's not a bad story if you're into this kind of stuff.
I've liked it more than any Ghost Rider series. Doesn't even compare to Punisher though.

It is an absolutely god-awful story though.

Yeah, Katsuhiro is also a fan of his. IIRC, McFarlane has used clippings from his art in his comics.

It's not in the top 100 worst comics I've read

what's number 1?

It's not in the top 100 either I hope

There are a lot of "Spawns" in the same way there are multiple Ghost Riders. Some of it is part of the mainline storytelling, some of it is attempts to expand the canon to include new ideas or plot lines, and some is just them playing with the idea in other contexts (Medieval Spawn, Gunslinger Spawn, etc.)

Fuck you, David Hine and Philip Tan are kino. I don't know what you like, but it was a great way to cap off the series. Trust me man, I grew up through the Guardians of the Galaxy and the original Xmen. It's not even close to the worst comics out there.

Is this ever getting a new season?

It's the best Spawn related media to date, and you can skip the comics entirely because the HBO show is all you need and is much more sophisticated than the 90s grimdark edgy schlock that is the comic.