Please give back our spices

Please give back our spices

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that shit long gone, bruh

what spices?? you mean the salt?

are you seriously complaining about some pepper from 200 years ago?

look at your economic growth nigga, you don't suffer

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>Tiny Island Singapore has a higher GDP than Malaysia

That spices is worth a lot of money, please give it back

Forgot pic

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who pocketed all that money?

Everyone could as we had the first public stock market. Many of the logbooks are still around and for instance everyone in the household of a rich merchant had stocks, even the maids and cleaners

Dutch were ruthless for Indonesian

We had a saying here in Indonesia. "3.5 years of Japanese occupation has caused much more suffering than 3.5 centuries of Dutch colonization".

thanks for sate sauce

its true too, the japs managed to kill more civilians in 3.5 years than we did in 350

Not my problem

>nottu my prooobremm

We did nothing to you
Why so angry

Without the Japanese there would be no Indonesia
As the prophecy of Jayabaya foretold, occupation by the yellow people of Japan led to the liberation of Java (and all of Indonesia) from the rule of white people

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send a tikkie I'll think about it


do you think indonesia can become a major player in the world?

We will shake the world

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Indonesian independence caused more deaths than Indonesian colonization.

After we were gone millions got killed in the purges.