Why did it flop?

Why did it flop?

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Feminism drove off the only type of people that would watch it

Bad marketing, which is a shame because it's actually an amazing film

the truth

Because it was terrible and only people with abnormal prostate growth liked it.

serious question, what makes this film good? i haven't seen it and i can't tell if it's just the same guy posting it over and over again or if it's genuinely appreciated by Any Forums.

>Bad marketing
yeah, i've never heard anyone mention it outside Any Forums

Because only autist dorks would watch medieval knight stuff and the director forced le believe all womyn into it

It plays with the notion that everyone interprets the same exact events differently based on their subjective worldview in a really creative way. Super tight script

Because of fucking millenials, or so says Scott

>the director
it was the woman who wrote the third act of the movie

>what makes this film good
Nothing, we're just pretending

because it cost 100 mil (approved just before covid hit)
but it's a small-scale drama and it came out when all cinemas were closed

Nobody watches medieval movies starring Americans. Their accents are just off in medieval kino

>Directed by Ridley Scott

The only reason most posters on Any Forums hate the film is because it depicts a female rape victim as the one telling the truth

Woke, broke

It's not a good premise for a movie and not important historically in the slightest. And then on top of that it is just dreary and utterly devoid of anything resembling likable characters, humor, or humanity.

It's a pretty good movie but the structure is terrible. The Rashomon effect was not the right way to go. For a three perspective structure to work the scenes need to be noticeably and intentionally different but in this movie it felt like the same scenes over and over again. This could've been a really tight 100-120 minute film.


Attached: 81Ftd4d2miL.jpg (1500x1500, 423.52K)

I love America and Medieval movies and killing Saracens
Kingdom of Heaven was trash


>Matt Damon
>Ben Affleck
No idea what this is but this is a bad start.

>Keep making movies long after prime
>Each is derided more than the last
>It's reached the point that interviewers insult you to your face during routine press tours
>Return to step one