One of the most visually interesting and unique animations in years is a fucking vidya tie-in

>One of the most visually interesting and unique animations in years is a fucking vidya tie-in

Disney should be embarrassed beyond belief

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average at best, 7/10 because it was a good effort
>we want the harley quinn audience

Jinx is inssuferable

I was going to watch until i learned this shitter was the voice actor

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He's talking about the quality of the animation work. Not the story or characters

Would be interesting to see what they do in S2 with the visuals and animations. There were some stand out scenes and I am not too much into cartoons.
Probably will be a good few years until the next season though.

I genuinely hate that this is as good as it is. It shouldn't be good. I hate the trannies who shitted up the board with the constant generals. I don't even like League of Legends. And I hate that no fight scene is as epic or impactful again as the one in e3 where she picks up Vander's gauntlets on the bridge. And I really hate that my boy Mylo was killed so early


Meh. Cartoons are for children, why would I ever watch this?

>epic or impactful again as the one in e3 where she picks up Vander's gauntlets on the bridge
worst fight in the show
>barely wins against scrawny Deckard in e1
>somehow beats up a whole squad of adults with weapons in e3

That pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter.

>Disney should be embarrassed beyond belief
why user? disney bought marvel comics and look at this spetacular fantastic wonder revolucionary epic animated they made

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I feel like they'll fuck up season 2.

I disagree. I hope they improve on the music tho there's a huge room of improvement there imo. Their decision to create plot points that lead to epic scenes that are like music videos as the producer or designer said is retarded. They don't feel genuine at all or have any weight because you know they're gonna happen since that was a thing they forced.

If the villain of S2 isn't Urgot, I'm not watching.

ok, now imagine how easily she would've beaten deckard's whole gang if every punch was an instant KO
now remember that most of silco's gang were around the same age
>whole squad of adults

this show was spammed here for a month after its release then suddenly everyone forgot about it
its almost like it was a fabricated marketing campaign done to shill a shit anime show

it was inconsistent as fuck

As opposed to what? There's only so much you can talk about after the season's over until it descends into pointless arcane gen threads full of waifuposting.

and that's why the general is still hitting 300 replies on trash where no one can see it, of course. because it's shilling, and not autism.

>They don't feel genuine at all or have any weight because you know they're gonna happen since that was a thing they forced.
desu only fight that was not fitting was one in drug factory,
two characters who had no previous interactions fighting side to side against nobodies with no stakes, its clear that some higher up wanted Jayce fight sceen
at least it was well animated and ending moved plot a bit, giving jayce well motivation and developed him a bit
it got banned from two boards


>Heh... curious how discussion of a show dies down between seasons...
You are not as insightful or clever as you think are you, user.

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Imagine thinking Disney writes good stories.

They really should be. I’m going nuts waiting on the next season. I’ve rewatched the first one twice already.

...Who here is saying that?

>I hope they improve on the music tho there's a huge room of improvement there imo.
I don't care what they do with the music, as long as they get rid of fucking imagine dragons and their shitty intro. Hell, I'd even be content if they only did the intro and no more cringey cameos.

I can't believe they tried to make me believe Silco was a "villain"

Silco was a villain. It wasn't like Piltover completely undermined and didn't give a shit about the under city. It's just that ass burger Jayce was all like: our wealth will trickle down to them as well but this needs to happen my way or else.

>it got banned from two boards
based admins

Me too. I liked season 1 because it was centered around a very compelling rendition of a Cain vs Abel situation that repeats itself in multiple generations, but that angle has been used up and brought to its conclusion. They burned through interesting situations and interesting character dynamics far too quickly, many of the kino characters died, and now it feels like the story is stepping into some rather generic territory. Remember how Game of Thrones clearly worsened after Robert and Ned Stark died even though them dying was the right move? Silco and Vander were that for Arcane. I don't see the remaining characters carrying the show as hard as they could, Vi or Ekko or Caitlyn or Jinx don't have that kino caliber. Jayce and Viktor could if they become enemies but we'll have to wait and see, there's potential there.

The show peaked in episode 3.

All I know is that I was to drain my balls inside Jinx and watch my chunky yellowed rancid gamer cum ooze out of her pussy.

If you're familiar with League, you already know how this is going to play out.
Jayce and Viktor will indeed have a falling out as Viktor becomes a villain and Vander will come back as Warwick.