What anime is Any Forums watching?

What anime is Any Forums watching?

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Because the moment you begin watching anime it is a downward spiral, unironically. Look at f/a/g for proof.

I'm playing persona 4

I'll watch machikado mazoku and spy family this season and that's it.


3 is better

don't ask me why but she looks like she cucks her bf with overweight adult men


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Never played it. What's the difference?

the title for starters

New season when please?

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been rewatching it before I start kaiji

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Ok what about middles and enders?

It was the first to include social sim elements while still having the darker elements from other smt titles

it's worse in every way.
only fags say 3 is better.

none because i’m not a tranny

Avatar the Last Airbender

I've only watched lupin part 6 lately

it's edgy.
Thanatos is better than Izanagi.
Shooting yourself to invoke SMT demons looks very cool.
The cutscenes are kino.
It's probably shit but I have a lot of nostalgia for P3.

Nichijou - My Ordinary Life


Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi

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