Movie is supposed to be an atheist circle jerk

>Movie is supposed to be an atheist circle jerk
>it actually turns out as good argument against atheism
why doe it keep happening???

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Kevin Smith is a shit writer

Atheism is cringe. Simple as

dogma balls lol

Kino movie, probably the only Kevin Smith film I like

>former catholic hates his religion
many such cases

>Movie is supposed to be an atheist circle jerk

According to who? Smith is a known catholic and has never stated he was an atheist or shied away from professing his beliefs.

>Smith is a known catholic

>>Movie is supposed to be an atheist circle jerk
Not really, no.

>Conversely, in a 2015 interview, he said that he had left both Catholicism and a belief in God behind, stating that the death of his dog was what caused him to do so.
>He said that upon the dog's death, he realized that dogs do not have religious beliefs. This in turn made him decide that religion was something meant to comfort children who were afraid of death.
>As an adult, Smith decided he no longer needed religion if his dog did not.[165]
>When asked about his religious beliefs in 2017, Smith said that he "believes in people".[166]

Stop watching movies on twitch

>made him decide that religion was something meant to comfort children who were afraid of death.
Peak brainlet

you alright, bro?

>he realized that dogs do not have religious beliefs
what? who decided that? him? the pope said dogs go to heaven so he's full of shit

You talking to me?

so is the pope

Well I stand corrected. To be fair Dogma came out in 1999 and all the interviews he did around this time he was still a believer. I haven't kept tabs on him so I didn't know he had a change of heart. Still, Dogma was never meant or intended to be an atheist circlejerk, so I'm still right about that. It doesn't retroactively change the heart of the film, which is pro belief.


>Opening text: Disclaimer: 1) a renunciation of any claim to or connection with; 2) disavowal; 3) a statement made to save one's own ass. Though it'll go without saying ten minutes or so into these proceedings, View Askew would like to state that this film is - from start to finish - a work of comedic fantasy, not to be taken seriously. To insist that any of what follows is incendiary or inflammatory is to miss our intention and pass undue judgment; and passing judgment is reserved for God and God alone (this goes for you film critics too...just kidding). So please - before you think about hurting someone over this trifle of a film, remember: even God has a sense of humor. Just look at the Platypus. Thank you and enjoy the show. P.S. We sincerely apologize to all Platypus enthusiasts out there who are offended by that thoughtless comment about the Platypi. We at View Askew respect the noble Platypus, and it is not our intention to slight these stupid creatures in any way. Thank you again and enjoy the show.
>"DOGMA" is the culmination of a lifetime's worth of disparate spiritual and satirical influences, which owes a debt to sundry storytellers and word-smiths these authors and instigators I humbly thank in no particular order... Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke, Saint John, Sam Kinison, George Carlin, Elaine Pagels, John Milton, Cervantes, Martin Scorsese, Alan Moore, Thomas Moore, Spike Lee, Douglas Adams, Robert Bolt, Quentin Tarantino, Nikos Kazantzakis, Denys Arcand, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison, Matt Wagner, Howard, Robin, Jackie, Fred, Gary, and Everyone at The Howard Stern Show and Sister Theresa from 8th grade


are you telling me the pope doesn't shit?

I saw this at a pre press screening with my stoner highschool friends. I had to convince one of them to not smoke weed right there in the theater because his "ghosting it" method didn't work (he just blew the smoke into his jacket)

not as much as kevin fatmith


Which pope the current one? He's so lax that he couldn't get his old bouncer job back.

around the time his dad died which was before 2015 and after Dogma he talked about how he believed in religion "just in case" because as his dad was dying he said stuff like "it's so hot" and he thought his dad went to hell