Watching kino with gf

>Watching kino with gf
>She starts looking at her phone
>Pause the movie and stare at her until she is finished

Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (406x500, 37.24K)

>pausing a film ever
>movie, not film
>caring what women think
>honestly believing theyd understand kino

My dad always has a meltdown when my mom wants to watch a movie and she ends up falling asleep. He outright pauses the movie and starts to scream at her like crazy and tell her he's never watching movies with her again and stuff. It's super weird and my dad has a lot of issues.

Didn’t ask.


i do this too but sometimes i have to stroke it

you should be embarrassed not at your dad but that you posted this as if he's not based and someone you should be emulating

>not taking her phone away for the duration of the movie
Do you even women?

very based dad

My trans gf did that once when we were watching Game of Thrones

Same but my dad's the one that sleeps

>someone you should be emulating

Why would anyone EVER want to emulate a "straight" man? Women are the most horrible thing in the world, anyone who wants to be with one deserves all the misery and cuckolding that comes with it.

user, your mother might be getting domestically abused. I hope things work out.


>bored from game of shit
Cannot blame them desu

you incels are so retarded, if your girlfriend instantly goes on her phone she is essentially allowing you to watch whatever you want. Why are you so autistic?

Yeah, well it's funny until the 1,000th time that stupid bitch says "No, let's watch this later, I wont fall asleep this time I swear and then that dumb bitch falls asleep AGAIN just like last time. How the hell do you even take a shit without falling asleep and falling in the toilet you fat lazy stupid bitch

A slap in the face woke her up quickly

>raising your voice at someone is literally abuse and they need to get out NOW before they get murdered

why do you fags still come here and shout incel? it doesn't affect anyone and makes you look like a robot

Confirmed for never having had a gf
If you change what's playing while shes watching tiktok she says "Why did you turn that off I was watching it!"