Muslim girl at work keeps flirting with me

>Muslim girl at work keeps flirting with me

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that head could get you beheaded son

keep distance or a hard barrier between you and her to avoid the shrapnel, especially if you see her reaching for the trigger

Can see cook and wash dishes?

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Gosh I wish that were me

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>actually get to have sex
>eventually get beheaded
It would be like if you never left Mexico

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brown girls addicted to bwc make work awkward

germanon making comics

No qt hijabis ever said hi to me :(
Also there’s a cute non hijabi brown hypebeast bitch made me hooked to flexing and at the end of the day she’s way out of my league anyway. Glad I’ll never have to see her beautiful face again

When I was in school there was a muslim girl who kept hitting on me, but I wasn't into her because she was femlet and I didn't like her hijab
Funnily enough after I hinted that I disliked it she stopped wearing it


tell me why you are attracted to a piece of black fabric

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go for it; but you'll have hell navigating the family dynamics.


eyes + forbidden pleasure

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My coworker looks qt in a hijab though

No I’m not attracted to niquabis which are most of the time old, I’m attracted to cute beurettes hijabi or not my age. But since I’m not black or a gigachad multimillionaire it’s impossible to get them

aren't you attracted to everything anyway

what does that even mean