Where did the meme that Norwegians have sex with their sisters come from?

Where did the meme that Norwegians have sex with their sisters come from?

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God I wish I were Norwegian

I saw them (I live in their walls)

from reality

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not a meme


Where did the Any Forums meme come from? A few days ago I started seeing it everywhere.

I want to though. Not sure if its a meme or not, but I want to.


A Norwegian kept making threads about it.

you want to have sex with your sister?

Also goddammit, the other thread got deleted.
To that Russian who keeps responding re: the societal normalization of incest--I wrote a good reply to that but basically I agreed with you.


Anyone who says they don't want to either have a horrible sister, she's ugly, or they're lying.

>Anyone who says they don't want to either have a horrible sister, she's ugly, or they're lying.
If only that were true.

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Get over yourself, deep down you genetically want to.

Oh I know, I do, but not all brothers do is what I'm saying, ya dig?

is your sister cute?


do you cuddle?

was there ever a conclusion to the sister story

No, unfortunately she does not seem open to cuddle with me. Probably because she can tell how I look.

Read it, and likewise I agree with what you wrote. I can think of about a dozen sympathetic portrayals of sibling incest in media off the top of my head -- not including erotica and porn -- and 0 of either mother-son or father-daughter pairings. I can see parent-offspring relations legalized upon adulthood (it already is legal in many countries), but seeing them normalized and accepted is something I struggle imagining and I think your estimate of not-within-our-lifetimes very well applies to them specifically. Even when you read about ancient Roman writings on incest they stated that two siblings being sexually involved isn't as bad of a crime as a parent and their child.

I think parent child incest is very weird, but siblings is natural.