Now that the dust has settled, who won?

now that the dust has settled, who won?

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whats it like to wear a dress and have a pussy

unironically cant decide. i think gillian has aged better but when they both were at their peak it was almost impossible to choose

Annie's boobs

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britta is the better character and the actress has better comedic timing


>right isn't my wife

Attached: annie britta.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

salty bags

The whole Annie/Jeff romance was boring shit, so I'd go with Britta.
Physically I want to say Annie.
I'd have to see their feet to reach a final decision.

Annie imo.

where's the movie

One of them wound up in love with a 6’5 white dude 10 years older than her while still a virgin. That one won.

Annie was hotter, Britta was the better character.

The only time I'll pick a blonde over a brunette. That said I've only seen Brie's roles in this and Mad Men and I found her annoying in both so maybe it's that.
Nobody ever mentions pic related, miles ahead of both the others

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>more time has passed since the show ended than during its 2009-2015 run

Why did the show blueball me? The show had little to offer after Pierce and Troi left, but it still kept hinting that Jeff was gonna fuck Annie.

Seems like their mentality was:
>nooooo... 40-year-old can't date 20-year-old that's so creepy, basically pedophilia

Annie, because Jeff chose her instead of roastie Britta

Annie no contest. She was hotter, canonically younger (AKA more pure if only because she had less time to hoe around) and wasn`t a dense hypocrite activist that turned every discussion into a political issue. 2022 is basically how the world looks when most women act like Britta but don`t look like her. I hope you like it.

why don't you find out by doing it and then sending me the pics?

>Nobody ever mentions pic related, miles ahead of both the others
Yeah, nobody mentions her because the second portion of your sentence is a load of shit. Hard pass on the 50 year old.

this image triggers my agp