Almost every thread on this board is negative at any given time. is there anything you people actually LIKE?

almost every thread on this board is negative at any given time. is there anything you people actually LIKE?

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I like Nacho Libre. Great film. Also it's my birthday today and I hope all of you have a good one.

happy bday king

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Because western civilization is falling and it reflects in art and culture

I think the Metallica thread is/was pretty civil and generally positive in its discussion

happy birthday

I post things I like and interact with threads about things I like all the time. I also occasionally go on shitposting rampages; I can't help it. The same guy who is calling you a tranny for liking a certain film is also the same guy calling you based for liking another. Also Any Forums is just 20 or so people with schizophrenia, I will die on this hill.

we like porn

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I like being negative

The trans suicide rate is increasing so thats pretty cool

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>tv says movie is "kino"
>movie's shit
>tv says movie is shit
>it's good
once you get it this board becomes slightly less shitty to browse


Good day sir, and a happy remembrance!

I like looking at actresses thighs, tummies, breasts, and butts but that gets you banned here

Nacho Libre is hilarious. Used to watch that with my family every year

that's most boards past 2016 in a nutshell, beyond some of the lesser ones

If I like something I run the risk of someone else not liking it and maybe making me feel bad about what I like :((((((((((

This is how zoomers think and it's why everything sucks so much fucking dick now

>is there anything you people actually LIKE?
being negative

in real life, it's easy to sustain social interactions where people are happy and positive, and being negative kills the conversation. Online, the dynamic is flipped. Negativity keeps conversation and threads going, whereas positive opinions and discussions don't really get anything going.

Happy cake day /u/Anonymous

I don't like that

We like complaining and baiting
And here we are all doing what we love
You are the one being negative


That being said I like a lot of shit from the pre-pozzed era

>Raimi Spider-Man + Evil Dead
>The Sopranos
>Alien / Aliens
>Mel Gibson movies in general
>Scorcese in general
>Coppola up through and including Dracula

Most of this is pretty boilerplate but that's kid if the point: most of us can agree that there's plenty of kino out there it's just that nobody's making it now, which is the primary complaint. We've had so many Sopranos threads it's easy to get lost in the memes and forget it's all based on the fact that we love the show

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It's not that. Think of the negativity as a stormy sea, it's full of energy and power. Of course I like things, but if I like something and you agree, and I'm the mod of this site, I put the thing we like at the top of the board and leave it there forever. Serene, calm, unchanging. Like a graveyard. Successful ideas are born out of conflict, competition, and challenge. Consensus is an administrative strategy, not a philosophical one.

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