Is this true, did RLM save Bruce Willis from being elder abused?

Is this true, did RLM save Bruce Willis from being elder abused?

Attached: rlm-heroes.png (742x700, 450.68K)

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yeah abuse usually involved handing someone millions of dollars

But is it really worth it if Mike and Jay don't like the movies? I think them forcing him into retirement is actually heroic

But, what's the point of money if you're too brain dead to understand the concept of money?

RLM is a cult and I don't like them.

I don't watch their shit, life's too short for friendship simulators, but did they point out how crappy his recent movies were or something?

He's not disabled (yet), he wasn't forced to do anything

This story indicates otherwise:

that goes straight into his kids pockets

>Cause George Lucas to sell Star Wars to Disney
>Cause Disney to hire JJ Abrams to direct the new film
>Make Solo and the new films fail with their negative opinion
>Cause Bruce Willis to announce his retirement
Is RLM the most influential group in Hollywood?

idk maybe having family has something to do with it

So...he's providing for his family? Well I'm sure glad RLM stopped him from doing that


Kill yourself

It was too convenient that just when the video starting gaining traction that they just got that dementia diagnosis.
They where obviously exploiting him hard before he was completely gone.

Attached: 1648739073861.jpg (641x530, 25.07K)

They seem not to have been in on it. He hadn't quite worked out that he had lost it, so he was doing stuff "independently", but was being taken advantage of. But of course Any Forums will find the blackest possible construction to put on any example of a good thing happening, so I expect lots of claims either that he wasn't abused but is being abused now, is being silenced because he's a Republican, or that one of his daughters married a Jew so therefore this is murder.

>life's too short
you just wasted 20 seconds of it making this post

I was asking what they said, that's all. Touch grass.

if you care so much about life you wouldn't be here in the firstt place, YOU touch grass :)

lol, ralph made videos about bruce years before them
hilarious that rlm will claim they created everything.

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If the family kept him working to pocket the money “ok dad it’s time for your next movie”

Then once they got enough to throw him into a home and spend all the money he made “for the family” yea that can be viewed as abuse