David, David. I mean, I know you're a sophisticated guy....The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets...

David, David. I mean, I know you're a sophisticated guy....The world is a mess. The world is as angry as it gets. Whaddya think this is gonna cause a little more anger? The world is an angry place.

Attached: jtrump.jpg (556x556, 62.84K)

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God I loved President Trump so much, talk about a living and breathing embodiment of a Chad

He is not wrong. There's some really horrible things happening in the world right now and journalists don't care at all.

this but unironically

This was unironically a better Joker performance than Leto and Nicholson

You misspelled "chud"

miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

Forgot link youtu.be/WXeuEHhDPNI

Trump was kino. I miss him.

>people actually voted to put the establishment back in control of their lives because the faggots on TV told them to


They get what they fucking deserve

Did anything of historical note (excluding the 2020 pandemic) actually happen during the Trump presidency?

Seems like it was one nothingburger 'scandal' after another while in the real world everything was fine

Attached: 1022 - jogtwdx.jpg (604x586, 52.48K)

>Hillary Clinton ferries in millions of illegals to steal the 2016 election.
>Trump doesn't arrest her.
>Gives the Clintons/Silicone valley a massive tax cut instead.
>Joe Biden steals the 2020 election.
>Thousand of Trump supporters storm the Capitol in protest against the traitors Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence.
>Even fucking Ted Cruz is offering to fight the election results in court.
>Millions of patriots donate money to fund the battle.
>There is no battle. Trump doesn't arrest a single fucking democrat. Quietly fucks off and uses the money to pay for his campaign.

He had one fucking job and instead of draining the swamp he bent over and let them fuck him in his cornhole. Millions of fraudulent voters and they all got off scott free. Twice.

All he was was talk. Next election we need somebody willing to start lining the traitors up against the wall.

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trump the new york billionaire with jewish grandkids is of course not part of the establishment

Sure, chud or chad whatever. You got the message and the mans immense

They 69'd. Big deal. many such cases

He brokered that peace treaty in the ME and ended the Korean War.

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How exactly did ferrying illegals result in an attempt to steal the election? They’re prohibited from voting in federal, state, and a majority of local elections.

Mever ask them to explain the actual mechanics of this horseshit. They can't. It also overlooks the fact that the bulk of latinos lean conservative.

>the bulk of latinos lean conservative.
then why do they overwhelmingly vote democrat?

t. non-american

>They’re prohibited from voting in federal, state, and a majority of local elections
And no one's enforcing those laws.

It’s extremely odd that the political faction that advocates itself as the one rooted in logic, rational thought, and facts purports a great number of ideas that can all be disproven with one simple fact check.

They don't. *City* dwellers tend to vote Democrat. There are tons and tons of rural latinos who vote Republican, not to mention the Cubans.

Imagine being dumber than a fucking beaner

>get imported
>vote because voting laws aren't being enforced because dey raciss
>"hmm yes i will vote for the party that will deport me"