Kino movie, but this must've been unwatchable in the theaters considering you NEED to replay several scenes to get it

Kino movie, but this must've been unwatchable in the theaters considering you NEED to replay several scenes to get it.

Nolan is truly a master craftsman at cinema.

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>replay several scenes to get it.
you literally have actors explaining the plot to you in almost every line of dialogue

you can’t hear what they are saying tho
i went to both standard and imax screenings and the imax was much better with the sound balancing


>you can’t hear what they are saying tho

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1st watch cool movie
2nd watch i think i get it
3rd watch i get it no need to watch ever again

Nice trips, but the main character can't act for shit. Pattison had some charisma in the flick tho

The plot still is overall confusing if you don't take the time to rewind and truly grasp it. Especially around the halfway point when he decides to reverse himself.

Main character was cool and had good swag.

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The plot is just some bare bones time travel with literally the most predictable twists imaginable.

>main character can't act for shit.
literally everyone in this movie looks bad. You can't look good with a dialogue that is so comically retarded. He's a good actor tho. Watch Malcolm and Marie

>I didn't understand the movie so I oversimplified it for my brain

Lmao post the reddit guy going "I HAVE A PHD AND I DIDN'T GET IT BRAVO NOLAN"

I saw it, and I can't remember what it was about. It's literally a waste of time movie.

Literally me
I don't think he was a good actor in this particular movie but agree that he had goo swag.
>I ordered my hot sauce one hour ago.

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It's unwatchable in any context. Just a sloppy, boring mess with shitty action. Honestly feel like it's an affront to society that so many resources were wasted making this pointless turd of a flick.

Threadly reminder that if you haven't seen Interstellar/Dunkirk/Tenet in 70mm IMAX then you haven't seen Interstellar/Dunkirk/Tenet

Pattinson in this flick turned me bi

I kneel

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It was shit

Cool visuals with a nothing plot, terrible sound mixing. I give it props for being an excellent racist movie; Nolan hates black people so much that when he was forced to add a black character by Warner Bros, he said “fine, but he’s not getting a name.” Which is why he’s just “the protagonist.” It takes balls to be racist in this day and age, especially in Hollywood.

I must've watched it about five times on a cross atlantic plane flight and I gave up trying to figure out what was going on.
It all just seemed way too pretentious for a movie that was literally babby's first screenplay wrapped in a billion 2deep4u plot twists and "callbacks" that were probably added in at the last second.
>protagonist is literally named Protagonist
>antagonists are called Adversaries
>macguffin is called The Device
Bravo Nolan.