I really like your taste in movies, user

>I really like your taste in movies, user

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Yes, American Psycho, JCS youtube playlist on repeat, and Leon the Professional are all some of the best watches out there, I'm glad you agree

im so lonely and horny bros

>had to talk to a girl for a college class
>look at her
>see her eyes
>immediately leave and drop the class
>it was required for my major
I'm socially retarded and my mom won't take it seriously, I'm like actually fucking disabled. I'm, from what I assume, a fairly normal guy when I'm alone and talking alone but it's not the same, I don't even like leaving my house. It's not even something I control it's something that controls me.

Said no woman ever.

she rook rike she rikes big brack cock

I forgot to ask: which movies can help me?
my main problem is I don't know the dialogue to conjure for people or how to modulate myself to appear normal or even preferred.

Wholesome post

Isn't this the woman from reddit who tried escorting but forgot you actually have to have sex with the guys and thought it was just for her "time"?

I like my taste in movies too.

No movies can help you, you big idiot. You just have to live out your life as who you are like everyone else.

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I honestly don't mind that she has sex with black men.

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but my step father stalks the internet and blocked the porn and I don't know how to get a gf...

I don't think any woman likes my taste in movies for obvious reasons.

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You'll just have to jerk off without porn. All you really need is pictures of women you like and your imagination.

Hold on, we haven't watched Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 yet.

good taste

I don't watch movies though?

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>seriously? I mean even I'm doubting that it's worth watching all these Leprechaun films

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Thanks! I didn't think you'd like Big Ass Bitches # 1-9.

BvS is kino

thank you imaginary gf

She makes her living overcharging simps for a simple date.
