The Thing (1982)

The Thing (1982)

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do amricans really give dog names to kids?

if a janny came to visit
i would kill it

If it sneeds we can kill it

based Bella, fuck ayy lmaos and the redditors who worship them

based bella, me and the boys would give it one too.. make sure its really dead.

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bela lugosi? cope more euro

rent free

At least we don't eat our dogs, chinkoid.

The Purple Rose of Cairo (1985)

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samefag angry little creature. Isabelle or Isabella is the correct usage. sad little goblin.

>samefag angry little creature. Isabelle or Isabella is the correct usage. sad little goblin.

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I hear you're a racist now, Any Forums. Would that be the current, ecumenical line the jannies are taking, then?

*rings glass*
: )

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why not?

"Bella" Is "beautiful" in multiple languages with Latin roots, it's not an uncommon name.


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bela lugosi? now that was one scary wop!

That's not even a child's handwriting.

Bella is a dogs name. most popular name for dogs in the last 20 years. sorry your mother has a dogs name, pablo