Just fucking why?

Just fucking why?

Attached: Wanda Hands Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.jpg (1051x760, 635.23K)

Attached: 007D6D08-0F20-4201-B19B-D1CF0E5C8547.jpg (1080x1080, 60.75K)

what am I looking at?

why what?


She looks like an ape

Attached: 499.jpg (1500x1080, 214.97K)

user posting this weighs 400lbs

Humans are apes

Official art from the studios

there's a tiny black woman made out of light dancing inside her red orb

a cute ape and i'd cum on that ape's face

I don't get it.

I want to fuck that ape right in the mouth.

Love this team.

What's going on with her face? How do you make Liz look so ugly?

Attached: lizolsen.webm (796x372, 2.97M)

How did you get the video of my wife I filmed?

Classic atheist

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comic book magic sucks unless it's used sparingly. too many characters who don't really have any rules just waggling things to happen when needed.

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How can we tell what the fuck those pixels are?
t. recreational pixel starer

I nicked it, when you let your guard down for that split second. And I'd do it again.

those sigils look like shit
whats wrong doctor strange? had to outsource a chinaman to make your sigils?

What is happening bottom right.. Why is there a car?

Wanda's Hands are Fucked

Attached: FPFJ5E7XMAYHGhK.jpg (562x680, 42.42K)

I'm about to invent aids then

not really, the white smoke magic thing make it look like a weird hand

Seeing this just makes me sad. The hands I can deal with. But “America Chavez” is actually happening. We’re close to the end bros.

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