Is this the ultimate racing kino?

Is this the ultimate racing kino?

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Actually a good movie

that isn't ford vs ferrari

yea probably
ford v ferrari is good, but it aint got the bromance kino like this
hemsworth should make more like these

Vastly superior to Ford vs Ferrari.

>everyone's driven by something

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Do documentaries count?

Attached: senna.jpg (499x720, 92.93K)

thought his name was Kunt for a moment

Outta the way, eurochuds. True racing kino coming through.

Attached: days_of_thunder.jpg (1920x1080, 431.63K)

Really good film. You fags try to imitate Gosling from Drive but I try base my personality on Bruhl from this. Quiet, calculating and ruthless.

Attached: daniel-bruhl-in-rush.jpg (870x478, 88.77K)


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all three good movies

I hate the insufferable genius trope. You can be good at something without being an autistic asshole.

he was German though, which explains the autism

Not so fast:

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its ok, if you want actual race kino watch Grand Prix (1966) and if you are a DTS zoomer see

Steve McQueen's Le Mans is pure unadulterated racing kino.

Rush isn't a bad film but Le Mans is the superior kino.

Attached: Le-Mans-9175LB-scaled.jpg (2059x2560, 669.14K)

>OH N-

Attached: 1955 Le Mans crash.webm (970x720, 1.91M)

Attached: seabiscuit.jpg (1280x1920, 372.16K)

Maybe. Maybe not. But the soundtrack is certified kineau:

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Those taglines are awful.

nonce carbabby