Imagine if America had free health care. This whole show would've been over by the first episode

Imagine if America had free health care. This whole show would've been over by the first episode.

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it was never about the money, walt had enough of it by season 2. it was about his life not turning out the way it was supposed to.
he cheated himself out of his share in a billion dollar tech company and was always an underachiever. becoming a drug kingpin was his last shot at building a legacy

If America had free health care Walt would never have the initial excuse and would have stayed an underachieving beta until he died

Imagine if you actually paid attention to the main character's chief motivation and the show's fundamental premise. This thread would never have been made.


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>have it
>and pay less taxes than americans to the point they make their tv shows here and not commiefornia

expensive chemo meds arent covered by the canadian government

also go back to r95ier%ddit u tard

Well, paid through by taxes.

Americans only want to use their tax money for blowing up desert people

>go to hospital
>get treatment
>get bill
>pay 5 dollars of it every month until you die because your credit score can't be affected by medical bills
>continue on with your life

>expensive chemo meds arent covered by the canadian government
Actually, they are. My mother didn't have to pay anything. That is beside the point entirely though because Walt needed tons of money to provide for his family after he died. It wasn't about paying for the treatment. He assumed he was terminally ill anyway.

>Inoperable cancer
>Soul breadwinner dying
It wouldn't have, dumbass redditor

>Americans only want to use their tax money for blowing up desert people
Most of our tax money goes to health-care and pension gibs

>Tuco is in like 4 episodes
>still one of the more memorable villains

How did they do it? Was the actor just that good?

Dumb redditard

Attached: 2020_Total_US_Government_Spending_Breakdown.png (890x502, 25.98K)

>he still thinks its about the health care meme

This quote of him sums up the entire show
> I have spent my whole life scared. Frightened of things that could happen; might happen; might not happen. 50 years I've spent like that. Finding myself awake at 3am. But you know what? Ever since my diagnosis, I sleep just fine. I came to realize it's that fear is the worst of it, that's the real enemy. So, get up, get out in the real world and you kick that bastard as hard as you can, right in the teeth.

>If America had free health care Walt would never have the initial excuse
Even if you wanted to dunk on America the correct answer is the war on drugs and the nearby drug cartels. Muh fwee heltcare doesn't stop someone from facing their own mortality. That's Walt's main motivation.

>commie bait.
his original >600k figure was solely for his family's survival and education.
skylar made walt get treatment he didn't want, which sent him into remission, which created a monster. he wanted to die after meeting his financial goal.

>free healthcare

>Actually, they are.
I'm Canadian and this is bullshit.

Why do redditors and women hate him so much?

>Why do redditors and women hate him so much?

do they?