I fucking hate germany

I fucking hate germany

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uhhh vorspiel leibestod schni schna schnappi arbiet macht frei to you to

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Autism: der Hausmeister edition

ich liebe deutschland!

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for non-krauts

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Here is a rough translation:
Dear female neighbours and neighbours,

For the past 2 weeks I have noticed a few irregularities. I have taken the time to protocol these.

Saturday - 22:55 Wham! a door loudly closes! this is unnecessary

Sunday - 12:42 A piece of candy wrap from the brand "Nimm Zwei" is laying on the staircase
between the 2. and 3. floor (4. stair)

Sunday - 17:48 The lid from the oldpaperbin was still open! I closed it!

Tuesday - 22:13 A kid is screaming - they should be in bed sleeping

Thursday - 11:03 the doormat at the entrance is laying skew again! I have fixed its position.

Friday - 14:59 The bicycle "KETTLER" stood in the staircase hall for 40 minutes, instead of parking it in the bicycle cellar!

And all of this just happened last week!

I have placed a copy of this protocol in each mailbox, hoping that my clues will fall upon fertile soil

For a calm neighbourhood


mein gott...

>OP doesn't realize it's a joke
yup german autism strikes again

This is worse than the German
Thank you

wow he actually signed with his real name

How is German even a real language? It reads like someone suffering from dysgraphia trying to write Dutch.

based hans jorge

>the oldpaperbin
Elegant in its simplicity

So ordnung related shit, right?

>Thursday - 11:03 the doormat at the entrance is laying skew again! I have fixed its position.
The autism is real

thats what you get for being a rent cuck

how common is this?

this person would have a heart attack living a week in an italian apartment complex.


Print up a new one with the time and date you found this, and "Some faggot left a bunch of stupid flyers everywhere"

You do know this happens if you buy an apartment too right?

hitler dood

that's the brand

They just cannot tolerate even the slightest disruption. I was in a very crowded, small restaurant in Karlsruhe once and you could hear a pin drop, everyone was whispering and two guys next to me were POUNDING glass after glass of wine yet still eerily silent..eh

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