Name me a better east asian film. Ill wait

name me a better east asian film. Ill wait

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Technically enter the void but like just the first 20 minutes. I know its not what you aimed for but it is a correct answer to your question.


ahahahaha wtf am I reading

Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead (2011)

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This or basically any Sion Sono

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autism be gone!

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>Blocks your path
>Shinjuku Swan
>Virgin Psychics
What was he thinking?

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The Host is also comfy


I saw the devils pretty good, as well as bongs other films. I still have a special place for the host, snowpiercers definitely good, parasite was great.

This. It's fucking brilliant once you realize it's a black comedy, not some sci-fi monster flick.

none of this is better than picrel

I remember being a kid and my friends ditching me on Halloween, went home and came across it on g4 and was stunned. Changed everything for me as far as films go and dabbling in foreign

the ending was kino but the train scene was a little contrived, how did he drag some kid to the train tracks in the rain without anyone noticing?

It's the second best South Korean movie after I Saw the Devil.

that's north asian

is that the one with that cool car stabbing scene?

possibly the most pleb opinion this boards ever shit out, you should feel bad.


not even his best

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