Post your country map

Attached: 4jvs2gtins391.jpg (720x750, 137.11K)

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I wanna go to Indias wild north

It'd be boring because we're the main characters of earth

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come home Aryan man

ive played enough GTA

so i guess thats where the hottest women are?

>Pis lovers
they must hate the name pooland then

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they dont speak english there
>so i guess thats where the hottest women are?
in every part girls are the same, maybe more modernly clothed on the west, more traditionally/russian way on the east

does india really have commie problems? whats in the 'chernobyl' and why is the north so good?

germans cant possibly be this dumb its a map of syria. also map is fake it lists part of israel in syria

>they dont speak english there
we are 4inch cucks unfortunately

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Naxals used to be the world's largest terrorist group before ISIS took over
look up bhopal gas tragedy
it's worse than Chernobyl in mismanagement

>does india really have commie problems?
Look up Naxalites

How long could the far east of India hold out against China, and why was India cut up that way?

o shit
i hope you guys blow them up

>bhopal gas tragedy
yea i remember that one, i thought calling a whole big district like that 'a chernobyl' meant more widespread pollution

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tibet should have been indian too retard. buddhist monks there were from bihar

pollution is delhi

>cut that way
bangladesh was seperated as east pakistan
depends, most probably Bangladesh would remain atleast neutral in any conflict, if they are on china's side than they would get fucked by India

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why was the plant not used
a referendum was held, AFTER it was built

you guys hold referendums over fucking power plants? holy fuck
why was there a referendum over it? did the locals not want it?

normally we dont, howveer other industries (like coal and gas) put up much of resistance to nuclear power, togetehr with the emerging green movement the government decided to hold a referendum. Since then nuclear power geenration has been banned by law, except the scientifical reactor of the Atomic institute