I'm white. AMA

I'm white. AMA

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Do you ever run across those roofs?

blackest man in the favela

>shows the light side of the arm


post timestamp

Why can't I live in a favela, why do I need to SVFFER IN SWEDEN???
Life is unfair bros

Maybe, I've been there in Cod MW2

You have 100% of chance to be of Polish descent if you're that white and live in a favela.

he could be ur distant cousin

does anyone care that you're white where u live or do you blend in

Mfers think favelas are black ethnostates?

VGH...to be a parkour expert in the favelas....


he'd have prolly gotten shot

They are doe...

they think favelas are ghettos of majority black

How many 14 years old brown girls you fuck weekly

theyre acc around 60% tho in favelas but for all i know brasil is huge so it could vary

i dont know thats why im asking if you blend in

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probably turns into likely if ur a maronite

is that asbestos roof?

The demographics are darker than average, but whites aren't uncommon. Got some asian favelados in my family.


In a bad week? Lets say 2

how is that possible, when a white family goes bankrupt it is sent to a favela?


its more like cyclical poverty