Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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best show of all time and its not even close


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>tfwynw HBO cancelled the original 5 seasons plan in order to fund GOT

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worth it. GoT was the better show from the get go

>Have you penetrated anyone?
How are you even supposed to answer that?

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I was expecting this to have more violence and sex, I'm currently on season 2 episode 5

honestly it feels like half the show is filler for the female half of the audience hbo expects. the other half is pretty good though

mooooooooom dont be gross

by penetrating her

And what of good Solonius?

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>GoT was the better show from the get go
No and then it became worse because fatman cant finish a book.

Who the fuck is that? Is he related to Solonivs?

1st season was kino as hell
2nd season, first half was good and 2nd half has like 2 good episodes

Atia was the best.

it was a conSUL OF ROOOME!

a consul of romes4dmy