Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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>casts a fat jew to play varg

It was well made, but the gore was a bit much. I'm not even particularly sensitive to that stuff.

yeah but how could they shoot the suicide and murder scenes then?

He had a huge cock tho.

more like lords of cringe

Yeah, I'm not saying it was unnecessary. It was just a bit much for me personally.

Dead was the only good part of it. Also, the soundtrack was so gay, I hate Sigor Ros and it ruined the authenticity of the movie. I do appreciate that the film didn't glamourize the scene that dorks do today, they were actually all bunch of nerds. They weren't intimidating or anything.

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None of the bands let them use the rights to their music

nah, it was corny as shit.
They had no idea how to present these characters with any believability or consistency.
It would have been better to make Varg the main character and do it from his perspective since it's his voice that dominates our knowledge of what happened. Even if he lies about some things, it's still closer to our understanding of the story than the silly shit Jonas comes up with to fill in the blanks.
Trying to make Euronymous a sympathetic hero just to appease his parents just ruined it and hoes against every discussion of the topic for the last 30 years.

The book was lies and bullshit do naturally, the movie was even worse.
Euronymous was an insufferable cunt as far as EVERYONE who knew him. No one from the scene remembers him fondly as a person.

Ok, Satan, but none of that really matters as far as the quality of the film is concerned, unless your main concern is how historically accurate it is.

They were all juvenile little bitches.

I miss trolling Varg about his genetics on YouTube and him taking the bait.

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These guys could've dominated the black metal scene for the remainder of the decade and made tons of money but spent their time committing crimes. They didn't know what they had.


it was a fake cock, you can notice it in slow motion

t. cock enthusiast

I've always been more of a Death Metal guy, myself. I find most BM to be mind-numbingly dull.

The retard literally thinks hes a neanderthal lol

And he eats his wife's placenta

one of the weird occurrences where almost all of the actual people were more attractive than the actors that played them

putin no banan make black metal now

Oh he’s a Neanderthal alright

I miss Thulean Perspective bros. I know Varg's a lunatic/idiot and he'd probably hate me for not being white, but goddamn if it wasn't comfy listening to him talk about basically anything. Even gave some pretty good general life advice every so often.

is there an archive of his channel somewhere?

mostly, yeah. ending was pretty gud especially
> what have you done recently?